Magazine Article

Intelligent Flamefinder Detection and Alert System




While NASA facilities already use huge volumes of hydrogen as a propellant/fuel, many other federal and state programs across the country are looking at potentially expanding the use of hydrogen. There are, however, significant challenges associated with hydrogen use. These include a tendency to leak through seals (due to the very small size of the hydrogen atom) that ordinarily would efficiently stop most other materials, a very high diffusion rate, a huge explosive mixture range, and the fact that hydrogen burns with an invisible flame. Therefore, hydrogen leak detection is an important capability associated with a safe and operational work environment for NASA facilities, as well as at any other location/site that would potentially use this fuel. At the time of this reporting, there is not a technology that provides simple, inexpensive, and wide-coverage methods that enable large quantities of hydrogen to be monitored. Sensors that are available tend to be limited to either a very short range, or have no directionality. For instance, a standard hydrogen sensor detects an increase in hydrogen, but cannot determine if that increase is from a small leak nearby or a larger leak some distance upwind. A technology that is capable of alerting and providing emergency detection information about hydrogen leakage would be beneficial and increase overall safety.

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"Intelligent Flamefinder Detection and Alert System," Mobility Engineering, May 1, 2015.
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May 1, 2015
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Magazine Article