Impact of Biomass-Derived Fuels on Soot Oxidation and DPF Regeneration Behavior

SAE 2013 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
To comply with the new regulations on particulate matter emissions, the manufacturers of light-duty as well as heavy-duty vehicles more commonly use diesel particulate filters (DPF). The regeneration of DPF depends to a significant extent on the properties of the soot stored.
Within the Cluster of Excellence "Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass (TMFB)" at RWTH Aachen University, the Institute for Combustion Engines carried out a detailed investigation program to explore the potential of future biofuel candidates for optimized combustion systems. The experiments for particulate measurements and analysis were conducted on a EURO 6-compliant High Efficiency Diesel Combustion System (HECS) with petroleum-based diesel fuel as reference and a today's commercial biofuel (i.e., FAME) as well as a potential future biomass-derived fuel candidate (i.e., 2-MTHF/DBE).
Thermo gravimetric analyzer (TGA) was used in this study to evaluate the oxidative reactivity of the soot. A "Laboratory Gas Test Bench (LGB)" was used to determine the kinetics of soot oxidation mechanism considering impact of soot properties on its burning behavior inside a DPF. The kinetics of soot oxidation with O₂ was studied as well as the oxidation with NO₂ in order to cover thermal filter regeneration as well as CRT® regeneration.
Experimental results from LGB and TGA suggest that the soot from future biomass-derived fuel candidate has lower activation energy, thereby; lower oxidation temperatures compared to petroleum-based diesel fuel.
Meta TagsDetails
Bhardwaj, O., Kremer, F., Pischinger, S., Lüers, B. et al., "Impact of Biomass-Derived Fuels on Soot Oxidation and DPF Regeneration Behavior," SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 6(2):505-520, 2013,
Additional Details
Apr 8, 2013
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Content Type
Journal Article