Heterogeneous Integration and SiPs Benefit SWaP-C Reduction




Aerospace and defense (A&D) electronic systems are being made smaller but more functional. This is possible because of industry-wide efforts to reduce the size, weight, and power as well as cost (SWaP-C) of electronic components, especially though heterogeneous integration such as by combining analog, digital, and mixed-signal circuits, and components. Intelligent integration can provide A&D systems and subsystems in the forms of system-in-package (SiP) and system-on-chip (SoC) devices that help meet challenging SWaP-C goals without compromising functionality and/or performance. While SiP devices may not provide all SWaP-C solutions, they can help add A&D electronic functionality to a growing number of applications designed to fit smaller sizes, such as portable mission-critical communications and unmanned aerial system (UAS) applications.

Integrated circuits (ICs) have historically played important roles in shrinking the size of circuits for A&D systems and many other electronic applications. SiPs and SoCs can be thought of as multiple ICs in the same package, carefully combined to work together. Where the components required for one major system function could once be fabricated as a single-function IC such as an RF/microwave transmitter or receiver, the greater functional density of a SiP or SoC enables the fabrication of multiple functions within a highly integrated device that can be housed within a single, multiple-pin or lead package. The effectiveness of modern semiconductor processes and packaging technologies now makes it possible to enclose multiple-function highly integrated devices within a package that is smaller and lighter than what once held a single IC.

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"Heterogeneous Integration and SiPs Benefit SWaP-C Reduction," Mobility Engineering, February 1, 2023.
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Feb 1, 2023
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Magazine Article