Experimental Study on Distribution Characteristics and Leakage Detection of Hydrogen Release from Hydrogen Supply System of Fuel Cell Truck

Authors Abstract
The hydrogen supply system of a fuel cell truck is in a semi-enclosed space where hydrogen is easy to accumulate if a hydrogen leak occurs. The acquisition of hydrogen dispersion behavior data is essential to support the detection of hydrogen release. The purpose of this article is to present the characteristics of hydrogen concentration distribution and delay time of hydrogen leakage detection under different leakage parameters. The experiments have been performed in a hydrogen storage cabin with six hydrogen sensors arranged on the roof to measure hydrogen concentration. During the tests, hydrogen was released into the test cabin through standard leaks. Two different release rates (80 NL/min and 450 NL/min), three different release positions, and six release directions are investigated to analyze the effects on the distribution of hydrogen concentration and leakage detection delay time. This article presents both the experimental facility and results. The experimental results can help optimize the placement of hydrogen sensors and the design of a hydrogen leakage detection system.
Meta TagsDetails
Liu, S., and He, R., "Experimental Study on Distribution Characteristics and Leakage Detection of Hydrogen Release from Hydrogen Supply System of Fuel Cell Truck," SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 17(1):87-95, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4271/04-17-01-0006.
Additional Details
Jun 22, 2023
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Journal Article