Experimental and 1D Modeling Analysis of Thermoelectric Generation to Improve the Performance of Compressed Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Engines Used in Commercial 22-Ton Trucks

Authors Abstract
A significant amount of chemical fuel energy in internal combustion engines is wasted through exhaust heat. Waste heat recovery (WHR) systems can transform the heat into electrical energy using thermoelectric generators (TEG). This work utilizes a 1D CFD model to demonstrate the potential of TEG-WHR in improving the thermal efficiency of mass-production, compressed natural gas (CNG) engines used in commercial 22-ton heavy-duty trucks. First, the TEG with heat exchanger experiments are performed to measure thermal and electrical performance data under different fin pitches and inlet gas conditions (Re number, temperature, gas flow rate). These data are used to develop and validate a TEG model, which considers user-defined functions of heat transfer and flow friction coefficients to reproduce measured thermal/electrical characteristics of the integrated TEG with its heat exchanger. The engine experiments are conducted based on the speed–torque map (51 test conditions) of the JE05 heavy-duty cycle using the turbocharged engine equipped with a multi-port injection system. The engine model is calibrated and validated against test data under base conditions (using production valve timings), optimal variable valve actuation (VVA), and variable compression ratio (VCR). Finally, the high-fidelity engine and TEG models are integrated to predict the electrical power generated by a compact TEG-WHR (three-layer, size: 1.3 × A4-paper). The integrated model considers a tradeoff between TEG-generated power and engine pumping loss. Simulation results show that the compact TEG can generate effective 20–701 W electrical powers, translating to about 0.03–1.07% brake thermal efficiency improvement.
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Sok, R., and Kusaka, J., "Experimental and 1D Modeling Analysis of Thermoelectric Generation to Improve the Performance of Compressed Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Engines Used in Commercial 22-Ton Trucks," SAE Int. J. Sust. Trans., Energy, Env., & Policy 6(3), 2025, https://doi.org/10.4271/13-06-03-0019.
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Jan 27
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Journal Article