Diesel-Range Fuel Property Effects on Medium-Duty Advanced Compression Ignition for Low-Load NO X Reduction

Authors Abstract
A diesel premixed-charge compression ignition (PCCI) technique was used at low loads at which exhaust temperature makes urea-selective catalytic reduction (SCR) use for nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction challenging. A fuels matrix to examine the effects of increasing fuel volatility, bio-blendstocks, and cetane number on PCCI was formulated using a near-constant 15% aromatic content. The results showed that PCCI could provide greater than 67% NOx emissions reductions at 1,200 RPM, 3.1 bar indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), and 2.0 bar IMEP. The filter smoke number (FSN) could also be reduced relative to a conventional diesel combustion (CDC) baseline. The reductions in FSN were more moderate in the order of 40-50%, depending upon the fuel used, IMEP, and combustion phasing (CA50) timing. Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions could be held to a marginally lower level than CDC emissions at some CA50 conditions by using higher-volatility and higher cetane number fuels and could potentially be traded for further NOx reductions. This outcome is important as it points to the possibility of achieving significant NOx reduction while doing no harm in terms of HC emissions. Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions increased in PCCI, but increasing the fuel volatility and cetane number could be helpful in keeping these emissions at a manageable level.
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Sluder, C., and Curran, S., "Diesel-Range Fuel Property Effects on Medium-Duty Advanced Compression Ignition for Low-Load NO X Reduction," SAE Int. J. Fuels Lubr. 16(1):57-74, 2023, https://doi.org/10.4271/04-16-01-0006.
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Oct 14, 2022
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Journal Article