Design Concepts for the ISS TransHab Module




Twelve reports present concepts for the design of structural and functional systems, subsystems, and components of the proposed TransHab module — an inflatable, lightweight habitation module that would be used by crewmembers of the International Space Station and would serve as a prototype of habitation modules for future spacecraft on long missions (e.g., missions to Mars). The TransHab module would be a unique hybrid structure that would combine the packaging and mass efficiencies of an inflatable structure with the advantages of a load-bearing hard structure. The governing design concept is one of a high degree of integration and multifunctionality of all parts of the Trans- Hab system. The reports include sketches (some containing estimated dimensions) and discussions of engineering requirements. There are also numerous discussions of human factors (psychological, social, and physiological) that affect many aspects of design. Although the reports address issues specific to the TransHab module, some of the concepts discussed may be applicable to the design of temporary or transportable housing for use on Earth.

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"Design Concepts for the ISS TransHab Module," Mobility Engineering, April 1, 2002.
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Apr 1, 2002
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Magazine Article