Design Challenges in the Development of a Large Vehicle Inertial Measurement System

SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
The (Vehicle Inertia Parameter Evaluation Rig) VIPER II is a full vehicle mass and inertia parameter measurement machine. The VIPER II expands upon the capabilities of its predecessor and is capable of measuring vehicles with a mass of up to 45,360 kg (100,000 lb), an increase in capacity of 18,100 kg (40,000 lb). The VIPER II also exceeds its predecessor in both the length and width of vehicles it can measure. The VIPER II's maximum vehicle width is 381 cm (150 in) an increase of 76 cm (30 in) and maximum distance from the vehicle CG to the outer most axle is 648 cm (255 in) an additional 152 cm (60 in)
The VIPER II is capable of performing measurements including vehicle CG height, pitch, roll, and yaw moments of inertia and the roll/yaw cross product of inertia. While being able to measure both heavier and larger vehicles, the VIPER II is designed to maintain a maximum error of 3% for all inertia measurements and 1% for CG height.
When designing a system with increased capacity there are many different factors and properties that must be considered. Some properties increase linearly when scaled such as mass but others such as moment of inertia and stiffness do not. This document presents some of the design challenges encountered in development of the VIPER II and how those challenges were addressed.
Meta TagsDetails
Every, J., Heydinger, G., Guenther, D., Sidhu, A. et al., "Design Challenges in the Development of a Large Vehicle Inertial Measurement System," Commercial Vehicles 7(1):1-7, 2014,
Additional Details
Apr 1, 2014
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Content Type
Journal Article