Pre-Print Article

Continuous Transition Transmission – Preliminary Tests



Authors Abstract
Purpose: This work aims to evaluate comparatively nine friction pairs and chose the best performance in a new type of transmission with continuous variation, the CTT – Continuous Transition Transmission, a patented new concept of CVT - Continuous Variable Transmission. Methods: This evaluation was carried out in two stages, tribological test and dynamometer bench test. Nine friction pairs were initially selected to perform the tribological tests. With the result of the tribological tests, considering the parameters of friction coefficient and wear rate friction, the best performing pair were taken to the dynamometric bench. Result: The friction pair chosen was the steel x steel pair, as it presented the best characteristics for the required objective. On the dynamometer, it showed good results, having reached a power of 1706 watts at 1800 RPM and a maximum torque of 30.25 Nm at 3000 RPM. Conclusion: The results show that the CTT is a simple and promising variable transmission system for light vehicles with two or four wheels, transmitting torque and power with good efficiency.
Meta TagsDetails
Morini, A., Bresolin, A., Parise, L., Lencina, D. et al., "Continuous Transition Transmission – Preliminary Tests," SAE MobilityRxiv™ Preprint, submitted November 29, 2022,
Additional Details
Nov 29, 2022
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Pre-Print Article