Compensatory Camber Angle Goniometry for Defying Effect of Overturning Moment Generation on Each Tire’s Contact Patch Area



Authors Abstract
Idea-based control procedures are to assist drivers in handling/stabilizing or alarming problematic lane-departures, for instance, Electronic Stability Programs, Lane-departure Warning Systems, Anti-lock Braking System, etc. While a revolving, momentary Center of Pressure on the chassis, is pointed unevenly to the C.G in a 2D cartesian coordinates with two axes of overturning and departure. How to quantitate bodyweight forces on wheels, is discussed based on height differences of each wheel’s spring related to the others. Road departures are fractionated by oversteering and understeering concepts as driving in a devious path. Because of Overturing Moments generation due to the tires’ lateral forces existence, some inequivalent carcass camber angles are modeled which enter into the wheels’ tire contact patches laterally . A TOM control method is described to compensate the effect of each generating carcass camber angle on decrease of the tire’s contact patch width. This work through the goniometry of compensatory camber angles, make the tires’ pressures as tantamount as possible, undertaking that maximal tires’ contact patches be accessed for more braking effectiveness, while the vehicle would be confronted with such a low-velocity transient obstacle in a turn.
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Maleki, M., Ghonjizadeh Samani, A., and qazanfari nezhad, a., "Compensatory Camber Angle Goniometry for Defying Effect of Overturning Moment Generation on Each Tire’s Contact Patch Area," SAE MobilityRxiv™ Preprint, submitted September 24, 2022,
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Sep 24, 2022
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Pre-Print Article