Automated Driving Systems and Their Insertion in the Brazilian Scenario: A Test Track Proposal

Authors Abstract
The conception of Automated Driving Systems is expanding fast with the expectation of the whole society and with heavy investments toward research and development. However, the insertion of these vehicles in real scenarios worldwide is still a challenge for governments, once they require an important evolution of the legal and regulatory framework. Although there are several initiatives to accelerate the insertion process, each country has specificities when considering the traffic scenario. In order to contribute to this emerging problem, this article presents a perspective of how the insertion of these vehicles can be performed considering specificities of the Brazilian scenario, one of the world's biggest car markets. Thus, it is discussed the global scenario of autonomous vehicles, the Brazilian traffic system, and the certification and homologation process, focusing on a new test track proposal. This track is a complete facility for vehicles from different types and sizes, which allow experimentation integrating various possibilities. This initiative is expected to bring ideas, how Brazil can optimize the insertion of automated vehicles on public roads, considering industry and government concerns as well as public expectations of safety.
Meta TagsDetails
Lima, D., Miranda Neto, A., Martinesco, A., Texeira da Silva, S. et al., "Automated Driving Systems and Their Insertion in the Brazilian Scenario: A Test Track Proposal," SAE Int. J. Trans. Safety 6(1):39-54, 2018,
Additional Details
Jun 5, 2018
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Journal Article