Analysis and Optimization of Aerodynamic Noise in Vehicle Based on Acoustic Perturbation Equations and Statistical Energy Analysis

Authors Abstract
In this article, the method based on the combination of the acoustic perturbation equations and the statistical energy analysis has been used to simulate and optimize the interior aerodynamic noise of a large sport utility vehicle model. The reliability of the method was verified by comparing the analysis results with the wind tunnel test. Influenced by the main noise sources such as A-pillar, exterior rearview mirror, and front sidewindow, the wind noise of the model was significantly greater than that of the same class. To improve the wind noise performance, the side mirror was optimized with the method, including the minimum distance between the rearview mirror and the triangle trim cover, the angle between the rearview mirror and the front sidewindow, and the shell groove of the rearview mirror. The simulation results show that the overall sound pressure level in the car decreases by 2.12 dBA and the articulation index increases by 4.04% after optimization. The development target of wind noise performance was achieved finally. The research demonstrates that the method combining the acoustic perturbation equations and the statistical energy analysis could be effectively utilized in the design optimization of the exterior shape to improve the wind noise performance of the vehicle during the conceptual design stage of the vehicle development.
Meta TagsDetails
Li, H., "Analysis and Optimization of Aerodynamic Noise in Vehicle Based on Acoustic Perturbation Equations and Statistical Energy Analysis," SAE Int. J. Veh. Dyn., Stab., and NVH 6(3):223-232, 2022,
Additional Details
Mar 31, 2022
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Journal Article