More Airports Test RF as Counter Measure for UAS in Restricted Airspace




More airports are starting to adopt and test the use of radio frequency (RF) mitigation techniques to counter the operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in violation of civilian airspace rules. While civilian aviation regulatory agencies are welcoming the integration of more commercially operated UAS into civilian airspace, airports are responding to the growing number of incidents in recent years with counter measures to ensure drones do not interfere with regular operations.

In the U.S., the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) now receives more than 100 reports per month from pilots that have observed UAS operating near airports or within a restricted area of civilian airspace. The problem is a unique one for the FAA and other civilian aviation regulatory agencies who want to unleash as much commercial UAS innovation as possible within civilian airspace, but simultaneously recognize rogue operators are a problem. The FAA's method for addressing the operation of drones near airports or in violation of civilian airspace rules is currently a loose collection of reactionary penalties or fines based on what occurred. But that is starting to change, and RF is one of several counter measures under evaluation at U.S. airports.

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"More Airports Test RF as Counter Measure for UAS in Restricted Airspace," Mobility Engineering, October 1, 2023.
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Oct 1, 2023
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Magazine Article