Accelerated and Integrated Real Time Testing Process Based on Two Universal Controllers on Rapid Controller Prototyping

SAE World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Rapid Controller Prototyping (RCP) is an efficient method for design & development of ECU (Electronic Controller Unit) at early stage. Usually, RCP requires firstly performing Software-in-the-loop simulation and then connecting universal controller (e.g. MicroAutoBox) to real controlled system for testing of controller functionality. During this process, it is likely that some problems related to signal configuration and real time characteristics occur and consequently give rise to unexpected results, e.g., sensor signals or controlling signals produce large deviation and possibly damage components of real system under severe condition. On the other hand, it cannot make sure that the real time characteristics of designed controller are suitable just after applying Software-in-the-loop simulation. One problem often encountered is that the sampling time of controller is not suitable for real system very well, even though it has been tested by Software-in-the-loop testing in simulation environment. One approach of rapid controller prototyping based on two universal controllers is presented. It is performed after the Software-in-the-loop simulation and before real time testing of real system. It is able to check efficiently the real time characteristics of designed controller as well as configuration of I/O interface. Majority of problems or errors related to real time characteristics or interface configuration can be found quickly and corrected immediately. In this approach, the used two universal controllers have different roles: one is to perform the designed controller functionality and the other is to simulate the controlled system. All interface signals are configured and then the two universal controllers are connected by sensor signals line and CAN line according to the specifications of real system. Based on the approach, the real time closed loop testing can be conducted and real time characteristics of system can be checked and analyzed. This approach improves greatly reliability of designed controller and reduces the duration of RCP. It facilitates the testing of designed controller on real system as well as decreases risk of damage on real system to the minim. It is also convenient to develop and test diagnosis functionality of controller. This approach is applied on the design & development of one new type of TCU (transmission controller unit) and proves high efficiency and capability for developing ECU.
Meta TagsDetails
Xia, Z., Gao, F., Togai, K., and Yamaura, H., "Accelerated and Integrated Real Time Testing Process Based on Two Universal Controllers on Rapid Controller Prototyping," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 1(1):258-267, 2009,
Additional Details
Apr 14, 2008
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Content Type
Journal Article