Journal Article

A Parametric Thoracic Spine Model Accounting for Geometric Variations by Age, Sex, Stature, and Body Mass Index

Authors Abstract
In this study, a parametric thoracic spine (T-spine) model was developed to account for morphological variations among the adult population. A total of 84 CT scans were collected, and the subjects were evenly distributed among age groups and both sexes. CT segmentation, landmarking, and mesh morphing were performed to map a template mesh onto the T-spine vertebrae for each sampled subject. Generalized procrustes analysis (GPA), principal component analysis (PCA), and linear regression analysis were then performed to investigate the morphological variations and develop prediction models. A total of 13 statistical models, including 12 T-spine vertebrae and a spinal curvature model, were combined to predict a full T-spine 3D geometry with any combination of age, sex, stature, and body mass index (BMI). A leave-one-out root mean square error (RMSE) analysis was conducted for each node of the mesh predicted by the statistical model for every T-spine vertebra. Most of the RMSEs were less than 2 mm across the 12 vertebral levels, indicating good accuracy. The presented parametric T-spine model can serve as a geometry basis for parametric human modeling or future crash test dummy designs to better assess T-spine injuries accounting for human diversity.
Meta TagsDetails
Lian, L., Baek, M., Ma, S., Jones, M. et al., "A Parametric Thoracic Spine Model Accounting for Geometric Variations by Age, Sex, Stature, and Body Mass Index," SAE Int. J. Trans. Safety 11(2):123-131, 2023,
Additional Details
Sep 20, 2023
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Journal Article