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The present document addresses gas and hydraulic fluid servicing required on commercial and military aircraft landing gears, for both single and dual chamber (also known as dual stage and two stage) shock struts. This document should be considered as landing gear industry recommended practice but in no way is meant to supersede the shock strut OEM’s published procedures.
A-5B Gears, Struts and Couplings Committee
A tested method of data presentation and use is described herein. The method shown is a useful guide, to be used with care and to be improved with use.
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides recommendations on cavity design, the installation of elastomer type spare seals in these cavities, and information surrounding elastomer material properties after contact with typical shock absorber hydraulic fluid(s) or grease. This ARP is primarily concerned with the use of spare seals on shock absorbers where only a single dynamic seal is fitted and in contact with the slider/shock absorber piston at any one time. These shock absorbers typically have a spare (dynamic) seal gland located on the outer diameter of the lower seal carrier. This spare seal gland is intended to house a spare elastomer contact seal. Split Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) backup rings can also be installed in the spare seal cavity. During operation, if the fitted dynamic shock absorber standard seal begins to fail/leak, then the aircraft can be jacked up, allowing the lower gland nut of the shock absorber to be dropped down. The current used dynamic seal
A-5B Gears, Struts and Couplings Committee
This standard is intended to apply to portable compressed gaseous oxygen equipment. When properly configured, this equipment is used either for the administration of supplemental oxygen, first aid oxygen or smoke protection to one or more occupants of either private or commercial transport aircraft. This standard is applicable to the following types of portable oxygen equipment: a Continuous flow 1 Pre-set 2 Adjustable 3 Automatic b Demand flow 1 Straight-demand 2 Diluter-demand 3 Pressure-demand c Combination continuous flow and demand flow.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This specification covers the requirements of uncoated aluminum alloy foil for core materials required for structural sandwich construction.
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum performance standards for equipment used as secondary alternating current (AC) electrical power sources in aerospace electric power systems.
AE-7B Power Management, Distribution and Storage
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of extruded bars, rods, wire, profiles, and tubing produced with cross-sectional area of 32 square inches (206 cm2), maximum (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers a zinc molybdate primer in the form of a liquid.
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of bars and rods 0.750 to 3.500 inches (19.05 to 88.90 mm), inclusive, in nominal diameter or least distance between parallel sides (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This document is intended to describe how to conduct lightning direct effects tests and indirect system upset effects tests. Indirect effects upset and damage tolerance tests for individual equipment items are addressed in RTCA DO-160/ED-14. Documents relating to other aspects of the certification process, including definition of the lightning environment, zoning, and indirect effects certification, are listed in Section 2. This document presents test techniques for simulated lightning testing of aircraft and the associated systems. This document does not include design criteria, nor does it specify which items should or should not be tested. Acceptable levels of damage and/or pass/fail criteria for the qualification tests must be approved by the appropriate airworthiness authority for each particular case. When lightning tests are a part of a certification plan, the test methods described herein are an acceptable means, but not the only means, of meeting the test requirements of the
AE-2 Lightning Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of seamless, drawn tubing having a nominal wall thickness of 0.120 to 0.400 inch (3.00 to 10.00 mm), inclusive (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This SAE Standard covers the mini-shed testing methodology to measure the rate of refrigerant loss from an automotive air conditioning (A/C) system. This SAE procedure encompasses both front and rear air conditioning systems utilizing refrigerants operating under sub-critical conditions. The SAE procedure will cover multiple refrigerants to emission testing and is utilized for evaluating air condtioning systems. Heat pump systems can also be evaluated; however, they will have different usage and mission profiles.
Interior Climate Control MAC Supplier Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of extruded bars, rods, wire, profiles, and tubing produced with cross-sectional area of 32 square inches (206 cm2), maximum (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This standard documents what is required to execute a System Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) of safety-critical products or systems in all industries. This standard defines the terminology, the steps in using STPA, the activities flow, and the expected deliverables. This standard may be used when addressing compliance with contractual or regulatory requirements regarding risk assessments, safety assessments, development assurance, system security engineering, or other similar requirements as appropriate. In addition, this standard can be used to demonstrate that an effective STPA evaluation has been conducted when compliance is not of paramount concern. This standard is applicable to a broad set of uses including, but not limited to, corporate product development processes, organizational processes, regulatory groups, supplier processes, defense programs (e.g., government awards a contract to a company and the contract mandates STPA), defense program office (e.g., government safety
Functional Safety Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of die and hand forgings 4 inches (102 mm) and under in thickness, rolled or forged rings 2.50 inches (63.5 mm) and under in radial thickness, and stock of any size for forging or rings (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of plate 1.000 to 6.000 inches (25.40 to 152.40 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy procured in the form of extruded profiles (shapes) with nominal thickness of over 0.040 to 0.375 inch (over 1.00 to 9.5 mm), inclusive, and cross sections up to 7.75 square inches (5000 mm2) and circle sizes as indicated (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers the requirements for the application and properties of a titanium nitride coating on metal parts applied by physical vapor deposition (PVD).
AMS B Finishes Processes and Fluids Committee
Primarily to provide recommendations concerning minimizing stress-corrosion cracking in wrought titanium alloy products.
AMS G Titanium and Refractory Metals Committee
Common or obvious surface imperfections are normally visible to the naked eye before or after fabrication or processing. Illustrations and definitions of these imperfections are contained in this SAE Information Report. The identifying names are those commonly used throughout the steel industry. The imperfections identified include the major and most often encountered imperfections known to exist at this time. These imperfections are variable in appearance and severity. Extreme conditions have been selected in some instances in order to obtain suitable photographs. Photographs are courtesy of the American Iron and Steel Institute, Kaiser Aluminum, U.S. Steel, Nucor Steel, Samuel Steel, Steel Dynamics, Worthington Steel, and companies no longer in existence: LTV Steel, National Steel, and The Budd Company.
Metals Technical Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) covers the general requirements for the design, manufacture, and test of 28 VDC, 270 VDC, and 115 VAC solid-state power controllers (SSPCs) for use in electrical power systems. SSPCs conforming to this standard are intended for use in controlling the making and breaking of power circuits for electrically operated equipment and devices, and for providing overload and short-circuit protection. Applications that require SSPCs to have a high level of performance in some areas or may be exposed to harsher electrical or environmental conditions are designated as CLASS A. Applications that utilize SSPCs in moderate level of performance or are exposed to a controlled environment are designated as CLASS C. Applicability of both MIL-STD-704 and RTCA DO-160G have been considered when determining the performance standards for the designated classes of SSPCs. To support older aircraft platforms, legacy versions of these specifications were also considered as
AE-7B Power Management, Distribution and Storage
This SAE Recommended Practice provides the lighting function identification codes for use on all passenger vehicles, trucks, trailers, motorcycles, and emergency vehicles.
Lighting Standard Practices Committee
This specification covers two types of free-machining, corrosion- and heat-resistant steel in the form of bars, wire, forgings, and forging stock.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a tantalum alloy in the form of sheet, strip, and plate from 0.010 through 0.250 inch (0.25 through 6.35 mm), inclusive (see 8.5).
AMS G Titanium and Refractory Metals Committee
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of plate 4.001 to 7.000 inches (101.62 to 177.80 mm), inclusive, in nominal thickness (see 8.5).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion- and heat-resistant steel in the form of welding wire.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a titanium alloy in the form of bars, wire, forgings, flash-welded rings 4.000 inches (101.60 mm) and under in nominal diameter or least distance between parallel sides, and stock for forging and flash-welded rings of any size (see 8.6).
AMS G Titanium and Refractory Metals Committee
The scope of this report is to capture fundamental principles of selecting a wire size for an aerospace application using the method prescribed in AS50881 and additional calculations, not found in AS50881, to ensure the wire selection will adequately perform in the specific physical and environmental conditions. This report covers wire selection and sizing as part of the electrical wire interconnection systems (EWIS) used in aerospace vehicles. Aerospace vehicles include manned and unmanned airplanes, helicopters, lighter-than-air vehicles, missiles, and external pods. This document does not apply to wiring inside of airborne electronic equipment but shall apply to wiring externally attached to such equipment. Wire selection must consider physical and environmental factors to size wires such that they have sufficient mechanical strength, do not exceed allowable voltage drop levels, are protected by materials or circuit protection devices, and meet circuit current carrying requirements
AE-7C Systems
This document establishes the minimum requirements for an environmental test chamber and test procedures to carry out anti-icing performance tests according to the current materials specification for aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluids. The primary purpose for such a test method is to determine the anti-icing performance under controlled laboratory conditions of AMS1424 Type I and AMS1428 Type II, III, and IV fluids.
G-12ADF Aircraft Deicing Fluids
This standard defines the requirements for reporting nonconforming material, including Suspect Counterfeit or Counterfeit (S/C) items to GIDEP, and using such information from GIDEP to prevent the use of such items.
APMC Avionics Process Management
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of hand forgings 11.000 inches (280 mm) and under in nominal thickness and of forging stock of any size (see 8.6).
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the mounting hardware to be used with demountable rims, wheels for demountable rims, rim spacers designed for 28 degrees bevel mounting systems, and intended for use on commercial vehicles. The dimensions given are those necessary to maintain serviceability and interchangeability of mounting hardware. This document is divided into two sections. Section 1 establishes the practice for new designs for mounting hardware. Section 2 records information on current mounting hardware. Special and less common applications are not covered in this document.
Truck and Bus Wheel Committee
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