Selective catalytic oxidation/reduction (SCO/SCR) catalysts coated on diesel particulate filters (SDPF) are an important technology route to meet next-stage emission regulations. Catalyst coating strategy is an important parameter affecting the synergistic purification performance of SDPF. In this study, MnO2-CeO2/Al2O3 and Cu-SSZ-13 were combined to obtain a novel SCO-SCR catalyst, and a multi-physics field SDPF model was constructed. The effects of different coating strategies of SCO-SCR catalysts (C25, C50, C75, and C100) on the synergistic effect between NOx reduction and passive soot oxidation in SDPF were investigated. The results show that, When the inlet gas temperature is 200~400℃, the soot cake layer pressure drops of C50, C75, and C100 are very similar. Increasing the inlet gas temperature or expanding the catalyst coating area can increase the NH3 oxidation rate. As the inlet gas temperature increases, NO emissions show a trend of first decreasing and then increasing, and NOx conversion efficiency shows a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, CO and CO2 emissions both increase. The maximum passive soot oxidation efficiency of C25, C50, C75, and C100 are 15.63%, 21.86%, 25.65%, and 28.59%, respectively. Compared with conventional SCR, the C50, C75, and C100 can all achieve higher NOx conversion efficiency at low-temperature condition. Compared to traditional conventional catalyzed diesel particulate filters, C75 and C100 can improve the passive soot oxidation efficiency in a wider temperature window. In a wide temperature window, the pressure drop, NH3 conversion efficiency, SCR reaction rate, NOx conversion efficiency, soot passive regeneration mass, and passive soot oxidation efficiency of C75 and C100 are very similar. The C75 can reduce the catalyst dosage and N2O emissions while achieving a synergistic effect between NOx reduction and soot oxidation similar to that of C100.