On the critical importance of physical modelling for the analysis of coastdown data


To be published on 04/01/2025

WCX SAE World Congress Experience
Authors Abstract
Novel experimental and analytical methods were developed, with the objective of improving the reliability and repeatability of aerodynamic and road-load results derived from coastdown tests. The new methods were applied in the context of a coastdown test campaign conducted using a SUV and a tractor-trailer. Both vehicles had been tested in the NRC 9m Wind Tunnel, providing aerodynamic comparison-points. The rationale behind the novel techniques was to minimize the number of unknowns in the equation of motion by measuring directly the following parameters: axle mechanical resistance, rolling resistance at low speed and wheel-axle moments of inertia. This was achieved, respectively, by means of an axle-deceleration apparatus, a low-speed hauling facility and a wheel-oscillator developed for this study. In addition, the speed-dependence of tire rolling resistance was measured at a private laboratory, via rotating-drum tests, and modeled using a previously-validated exponential formulation. Since the test wind conditions were characterized by minimal yaw angles, the yaw-angle dependence of the aerodynamic drag could be neglected. The only remaining unknowns were the zero-speed rolling-resistance coefficient and the zero-yaw drag coefficient, which were determined by regression analysis. The resulting drag coefficient was closer to its wind-tunnel value, and the predicted low-speed road load was closer to the value derived from the low-speed hauling tests, than when the previous, conventional methods were used. There remains uncertainty in the applicability of the exponential rolling-resistance model due to the roughness and unevenness of test track’s pavement, which induced large fluctuations in vehicle speed. Therefore, a second data analysis was conducted, whereby the exponent governing the speed-dependence of the rolling resistance was treated as a third unknown. However, this resulted in unrealistically low values of the drag coefficient, emphasizing the critical importance of proper physical modelling with a reasonable number of unknown parameters.
Meta TagsDetails
Tanguay, B., and de Souza, F., "On the critical importance of physical modelling for the analysis of coastdown data," SAE Technical Paper 2025-01-8774, 2025, .
Additional Details
To be published on Apr 1, 2025
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Paper