Understanding the FAA Aircraft Certification Process



The task of certifying an aircraft or part can be overwhelming given the lengthy process and the many steps that are required. Understanding the process can greatly enhance the outcome and reduce unnecessary delays or frustrations.
This course will provide an overview of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) organizational structure, its policies, guidelines and requirements leading to Type and Supplemental Type airworthiness approvals. It will also cover the rule-making process and rules applicable to aircraft parts and products. The course will define the roles and responsibilities of the Aircraft Certification Office (ACO), Manufacturing Inspection District Office (MIDO), Flight Standards District Office (FSDO), and the Aircraft Evaluation Group (AEG). Type and Supplemental Type Certification (TC and STC) processes, and Change Product Rule for alterations and modifications to previously type certified aircraft will be discussed. FAA rule-making process will be examined including review of FAA Orders, Notices, Advisory Circulars and other guidance material.
Learning Objectives
By attending this course, you will be able to:
  • Manage certification programs more efficiently, schedule the required milestones accordingly, and identify problems and address them promptly
  • Describe the principles of Type Certification and Supplemental Type Certification requirements and process
  • Converse intelligently and enter negotiations with others involved in FAA certification programs
  • Describe the FAA system, FAA orders, Advisory Circulars, FAA rule making process
  • Define what exemptions and special conditions are and how to obtain them
  • Identify the difference between airworthiness standard and operational rules
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for engineering and certification managers, design engineers, airworthiness and certification engineers, quality assurance inspectors and engineers, program managers, consultants, Federal Aviation Administration designated engineering and airworthiness representatives (DER and DAR) and other technical administrative personnel involved in FAA certification activities. The course will help newcomers to aircraft certification as well as experienced participants better understand the certification process and be able to present and negotiate certification matters with the Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Certification Office.
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Instructor Led