Flexible Sensors Offer View into Epileptic Seizures

  • Magazine Article
  • TBMG-14876
Published October 01, 2012 by Tech Briefs Media Group in United States
  • English

Tapping into the human brain to understand its functions in daily life — as well as its malfunctions in illness — has long been a challenge for researchers. Mapping brain activity requires unwieldy, invasive arrays of electrodes and sensors that can damage tissue while only reading activity in a limited area. A team of researchers at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYUPoly) partnering with researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, have devised a streamlined, minimally invasive brain interface that may yield new insights into the causes of brain diseases like epilepsy and could potentially lead to new implantable neuroprosthetic and diagnostic devices.