J2799_201404 Hydrogen Surface Vehicle to Station Communications Hardware and Software



Issuing Committee
This standard specifies the communications hardware and software requirements for fueling Hydrogen Surface Vehicles (HSV), such as fuel cell vehicles, but may also be used where appropriate, with heavy duty vehicles (e.g., busses) and industrial trucks (e.g., forklifts) with compressed hydrogen storage. It contains a description of the communications hardware and communications protocol that may be used to refuel the HSV. The intent of this standard is to enable harmonized development and implementation of the hydrogen fueling interfaces.
This standard is intended to be used in conjunction with the hydrogen fueling protocol, SAE J2601, Compressed Hydrogen Light Duty Vehicle Fueling Protocol and SAE J2600, Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Fueling Connection Devices.
This SAE standard is being revised to incorporate technical revisions and clarifications.
The title of this Standard is being changed from the original “70 MPa Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Fuelling Connection Device and Optional Vehicle to Station Communicationss” to the more appropriate title “Hydrogen Surface Vehicle to Station Communications Hardware and Software” for reasons explained in the following paragraphs.
The original Section 4, “70MPa fueling connection device”, has been deleted from this standard and all material regarding the 70MPa fueling device (receptacle geometry specifications, verification testing, tooling fixture dimensions and marking requirements) has been incorporated into SAE J2600, Standard for Compressed Hydrogen Surface Vehicle Fueling Connection Devices. The rationale for moving this material was to aggregate the hardware specifications and validation requirements for all pressure classes of hydrogen fueling devices into one document.
The original Section 5 (now 6), “Vehicle to Station Communications Device,” presents communications hardware requirements as well as the software and design verification test criteria. This section has been revised to reflect field experiences gained since early implementation of these communications protocols and hardware devices. Validation of dispenser side communications is to be defined by other standards, such as HGV 4.3.
The physical and functional requirements are unchanged but some of the figures and tables in the standard have been improved. The original communications protocol from the TIR J2799 is being updated in this version V.1.1 mainly to increase the amount of OD characters (for use as per SAE J2601) and remove unused characters.
Meta TagsDetails
SAE International Technical Standard, Hydrogen Surface Vehicle to Station Communications Hardware and Software, SAE Standard J2799_201404, Revised April 2014, Issued March 2010, https://doi.org/10.4271/J2799_201404.
Additional Details
Apr 9, 2014
Product Code
Content Type
Technical Standard