J2601/2_202307 Fueling Protocol for Gaseous Hydrogen Powered Heavy Duty Vehicles



Issuing Committee
The purpose of this document is to provide performance requirements for hydrogen dispensing systems used for fueling 35 MPa heavy duty hydrogen transit buses and vehicles (other pressures are optional).
This document establishes the boundary conditions for safe heavy duty hydrogen surface vehicle fueling, such as safety limits and performance requirements for gaseous hydrogen fuel dispensers used to fuel hydrogen transit buses. For fueling light-duty vehicles SAE J2601 should be used.
SAE J2601-2 is a performance based protocol document that also provides guidance to fueling system builders, manufacturers of gaseous hydrogen powered heavy duty transit buses, and operators of the hydrogen powered vehicle fleet(s).
This fueling protocol is suitable for heavy duty vehicles with a combined vehicle CHSS capacity larger than 10 kilograms aiming to support all practical capacities of transit buses. It is non-prescriptive in how to achieve a full fill or 100% state of charge (SOC) in the vehicle tank storage system.
This document is an independent document from SAE J2601 “Fueling Protocols for Light Duty Gaseous Hydrogen Surface Vehicles” and should be used separately.
The fueling limits shown in this document are harmonized with the fueling assumptions used for on-board fuel systems, as provided by gaseous hydrogen transit bus manufacturers.
When SAE J2601-2 was first published in 2014, there was not a published standard fueling protocol or adopted method for fueling hydrogen powered heavy duty transit buses and heavy duty vehicles. The original intent of this document was to establish the safety limits and performance requirements for 35 MPa hydrogen dispensing systems for refueling transit buses and heavy duty vehicles.
However, as the market developed, additional fueling protocols have been published in the SAE J2601 context (for example: CHSS Capacity Category D), and other protocols are being developed as part of SAE J2601-5 and other standards. The users of SAE J2601-2 should consider using protocols developed as the result of recent efforts, as they match current technology capabilities and reflect lessons learned in the field. SAE J2601-2 should only be utilized at non-public access hydrogen stations where the vehicles being fueled are known and appropriate administrative controls are enforced.
Users of SAE J2601-2 are also advised that SAE J2601 may contain requirements and considerations that should be applied to fueling protocols developed under SAE J2601-2. It is the responsibility of the fueling protocol developer to ensure that the resulting protocol can be used under all operating conditions for all vehicles and CHSS configurations.
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SAE International Information Report, Fueling Protocol for Gaseous Hydrogen Powered Heavy Duty Vehicles, SAE Standard J2601/2_202307, Stabilized July 2023, Issued September 2014, https://doi.org/10.4271/J2601/2_202307.
Additional Details
Jul 6, 2023
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Content Type
Information Report
