Intelligent Vehicles: From Functional Framework to Vehicle Architecture

This course provides an overview of state-of-the-art intelligent vehicles, presents a systematic framework for intelligent technologies and vehicle-level architecture, and introduces testing methodologies to evaluate individual and integrated intelligent functions. Considering the increasing demand for vehicle intelligence, it is critical to gain an understanding of the growing variety of intelligent vehicle technologies and how they must function together effectively as a system.

What Will You Learn

By attending this course, you will be able to: 
  • Identify key enabling technology of intelligent vehicles
  • Describe intelligent functions under the proposed technology framework
  • Recognize integration and calibration approaches for intelligent vehicles
  • Describe testing methodologies to evaluate intelligent functions
  • Identify challenges and trends in the field of intelligent vehicles

Is This Course For You

This course is designed for engineers, calibrators, researchers, testing technicians, and other technical personnel involved in intelligent vehicle components, systems, or vehicle architectures.

Materials Provided

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Course Requirements

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