Flatbed – A Unique and Versatile Transport Airplane
- Event
- Content
- FLATBED is a unique aircraft configurational concept featuring versatility of payloads which are carried on an open cargo floor; there is no fuselage per se. Flatbed can haul containers, passengers in a removable module, or outsize cargoes and vehicles. Large commercial or army vehicles are literally carried “in the open.” Studies have shown the technical and economic feasibility of the Flatbed concept and show reduced terminal turnaround time. Further analysis indicates: (1) significant improvement in “Quick Change” operations, (2) solution to problems involving convertibility to military operations, and (3) potential new markets for cargo airlines as well as reduced distribution costs for shippers.
- Pages
- 16
- Citation
- Smethers, R., "Flatbed – A Unique and Versatile Transport Airplane," SAE Technical Paper 801064, 1980, https://doi.org/10.4271/801064.