Improving the Processes of Thermal Preparation of an Automobile Engine with Petrol and Gas Supply Systems (Vehicle Engine with Petrol and LPG Supplying Systems)
- Features
- Event
- Content
- This article deals with the features of the thermal preparation system application on automobile engine, the heating of which to operating temperatures is carried out on petrol, and subsequent operation on liquefied petroleum gas. The main element of the heat treatment system is a phase-transfer heat accumulator, the task of which is to minimize the engine warm-up time and, therefore, reduce petrol consumption on warm-up modes. An information system has been developed (is being used) for remote monitoring and control of the thermal preparation processes of an engine with a thermal accumulator. The results of experimental studies on a passenger vehicle engine under various operating conditions have confirmed the effectiveness of using a phase-transfer heat accumulator to reduce the heating time of the coolant and reduce the consumption of petrol to warm up the engine. In particular, it was shown, that the proposed system, where engine was warmed up on petrol to 50 ° C at an ambient temperature of 5 ° C, reduces the time for heating the coolant by 20.6 - 49.6% and the petrol consumption by 29.3 - 35.4% to ensure the transition to gas fuel respectively.
- Pages
- 13
- Citation
- Gritsuk, I., Pohorletskyi, D., Mateichyk, V., Symonenko, R. et al., "Improving the Processes of Thermal Preparation of an Automobile Engine with Petrol and Gas Supply Systems (Vehicle Engine with Petrol and LPG Supplying Systems)," SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-2031, 2020,