Effect of Three Controls (Camber Angle Control, Derivative Steering Assistance Control, and Inside-Outside Wheel Braking Force and Driving Force Control in Body Slip Angle Area

SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition
Authors Abstract
In this research, we examine the three controls inside-outside wheel braking force and driving force, camber angle, and the derivative steering assistance to determine how angle differences affect cornering performance and controllability. This is accomplished by comparing body slip angle area differences in a closed loop examination of the grip to drift area using a driving simulator. The results show that inside-outside wheel braking force and driving force control in the area just before critical cornering occurs has a significant effect on vehicle stability. We also clarified that controlling the camber angle enhances grip-cornering force, and confirmed that the sideslip limit could be improved in the vicinity of the critical cornering area. Additionally, when the counter steer response was improved by the use of derivative steering assistance control in the drift area exceeding the critical cornering limit, corrective steering became easier. Moreover, the effect could be achieved by using camber angle and derivative steering assistance controls in combination over a wide area. Based on the above, we conclude that it is possible to control wide-ranging body slip angle areas by combining the three abovementioned controls.
Meta TagsDetails
Yamaguchi, R., and Nozaki, H., "Effect of Three Controls (Camber Angle Control, Derivative Steering Assistance Control, and Inside-Outside Wheel Braking Force and Driving Force Control in Body Slip Angle Area," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Mech. Syst. 9(1):402-408, 2016, https://doi.org/10.4271/2016-01-1666.
Additional Details
Apr 5, 2016
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Journal Article