Retrofitting of an Electronic System to Control and Data Acquisition in an Automotive Dynamometer for Didactic Use



24th SAE Brasil International Congress and Display
Authors Abstract
Integrated controls for commercial dynamometers do not have appropriate characteristics to perform research and teaching tasks. These are developed to perform quick tests and its logic is prepared to obtaining the information in accordance with the technical standards.
This way, the use for research is hindered because it does not have an interface that allows a refinement to the desired data ranges, t data sampling and the type of load that is applied. Its use for teaching is limited because these "standard" controls does not allow to analyze or to determine engines characteristics that are not covered through tests specified by the standards, so the use of this tool as an important part in professional training formed by the institution.
The development of a system control to the electromagnetic brake and capture of torque and rotation data will allow better use of dynamometers for research and teaching, providing to the students the knowledge of the control system itself and data acquisition where parameters such as temperature and pressure can be added, improving the accuracy of torque and power measurements.
This system will be made available to other educational and research institutions interested in the use of a control and data acquisition system designed for teaching and research in the engine area, with a low cost of development and operation.
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Vandresen, M., Silveira, J., Pereira, M., Chaplin, R. et al., "Retrofitting of an Electronic System to Control and Data Acquisition in an Automotive Dynamometer for Didactic Use," SAE Technical Paper 2015-36-0281, 2015,
Additional Details
Sep 22, 2015
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Content Type
Technical Paper