Reference PMHS Sled Tests to Assess Submarining



59th Stapp Car Crash Conference
Authors Abstract
Sled tests focused on pelvis behavior and submarining can be found in the literature. However, they were performed either with rigid seats or with commercial seats. The objective of this study was to get reference tests to assess the submarining ability of dummies in more realistic conditions than on rigid seat, but still in a repeatable and reproducible setup. For this purpose, a semi-rigid seat was developed, which mimics the behavior of real seats, although it is made of rigid plates and springs that are easy to reproduce and simulate with an FE model. In total, eight PMHS sled tests were performed on this semi-rigid seat to get data in two different configurations: first in a front seat configuration that was designed to prevent submarining, then in a rear seat configuration with adjusted spring stiffness to generate submarining.
All subjects sustained extensive rib fractures from the shoulder belt loading. No pelvis fractures and no submarining were observed in the front seat configuration, but two subjects sustained lumbar vertebrae fractures. In the rear seat configuration, all subjects sustained pelvic fractures and demonstrated submarining. Corridors were constructed for the external forces and the PMHS kinematics. They are provided in this paper as new reference tests to assess the biofidelity of human surrogates in different configurations that either result in submarining or do not.
In future, it is intended to analyze further seat and restraint system configurations to be able to define a submarining predictor.
Meta TagsDetails
Uriot, J., Potier, P., Baudrit, P., Trosseille, X. et al., "Reference PMHS Sled Tests to Assess Submarining," SAE Technical Paper 2015-22-0008, 2015,
Additional Details
Nov 9, 2015
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Content Type
Technical Paper