This paper focuses on the key problem of future aeronautics: which relates on energy efficiency and environmental footprint on a scientific point of view. Reducing emissions and increasing the energy efficiency would be both a key element to propel the market and increase the diffusion of personal aerial transport against ground transportation.
Novel vehicle concepts and systems will be necessary to propel this innovation which could revolutionize our way of moving. This paper approaches an energetic preliminary design of a vehicle concept which could fulfill this social and cultural objective. Low cost energy efficient vehicles, which could be suitable for personal use with a high economic efficiency and without needs of airports, seem actually a real dream. Otherwise, is it a feasible goal or a scientific dream?
Otherwise, a design method based on first and second law and thermodynamic and constructal law could allow reaching those goals. This paper presents a preliminary design of a propulsion concept which could have the ambition and demonstrate the theoretical feasibility, using mostly existing industrial components and indicating the few ones which are not disposable today, but giving preliminary guidelines for their development.