Process-Integrated Measurements of Products and Parts - Innovation Management for Applied Photography and Photogrammetry



SAE 2015 World Congress & Exhibition
Authors Abstract
Total quality is becoming increasingly important for competitiveness. In order to achieve high quality, the requirements must be continuously compared with the results achieved in the process. This is done by means of measurement parameters and comparative values. The acquisition of the data requires appropriate measurement methods. The measurement methods and procedures have to be constantly developed in order to measure more precisely and to generate an even higher quality. Thus, the achieved product quality can be determined absolutely and relatively. If deviations from the planned quality parameters occur, the operator will be able to intervene immediately. The presented procedure is one of the noncontact (optical) measurement methods using CMMs, 3D scanners and 3D cameras. It is a combination of stereo photography and photogrammetry. The measurement system is designed modular from any number of camera-computer-units enabling the serial and parallel interconnection of various scanner modules to a matrix. Thus, the highly accurate measurement of three-dimensional surfaces is guaranteed in short time intervals. The measurements of three-dimensional surfaces are not spot-checked but they will be realized for each product performed in the cycle time of the system. This means continuous measurements in process will be possible. After pilot developments and investigations, the first applications will follow in the automotive industry and logistics sector now. The first part of the paper the measuring system will be briefly illustrated. In the second and main part the application development and preparation will be presented in the paper. Additional development potentials will be discussed.
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Schumann, C., Forkel, E., Klein, T., Gerlach, D. et al., "Process-Integrated Measurements of Products and Parts - Innovation Management for Applied Photography and Photogrammetry," SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0464, 2015,
Additional Details
Apr 14, 2015
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Content Type
Technical Paper