Study of Low-Viscosity Engine Oil on Fuel Economy and Engine Reliability
- Event
- Content
- An examination was made on the effect of low-viscosity engine oil on fuel efficiency improvements and engine reliability for the purpose of improving fuel efficiency through the use of select engine oils. Fuel efficiency-improving effects were estimated by measuring friction torque using low-viscosity engine oil. The results show that reducing engine oil viscosity is effective for improving fuel efficiency. In examining engine reliability, attention was paid to the following two aspects which are concerns in practical performance that may arise when engine oil viscosity is reduced.
- Engine oil consumption
- Sliding wear at high temperatures
Tests and analyses were conducted to develop indexes for engine oil properties that are strongly correlated with each of these two concerns. A strong correlation was found between engine oil consumption and the results of a thermogravimetric analysis, and between high-temperature sliding wear and high-temperature, high-shear viscosity (HTHS). Based on these analyses, low-viscosity engine oil that can overcome the practical performance concerns was prototyped.
- Pages
- 9
- Citation
- Okuyama, Y., Shimokoji, D., Sakurai, T., and Maruyama, M., "Study of Low-Viscosity Engine Oil on Fuel Economy and Engine Reliability," SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-1247, 2011,