In order to avoid the undesired side effect of water condensation occurring under special environment conditions in modern xenon lamps several modifications of the serial automotive headlamps were suggested. The suggestions consist of a) desired leakage in the cover, b) anti-fog coating and c) integrated ventilation tube.
These strategies were tested using two types of serial head lamps applying a condensation cycle for the simulation of the urban condition. During this condensation cycle the thermodynamic parameters, like relative air humidity and temperature, were measured at different places in the head lamp and as function of time. The modification with the integrated ventilation tube is able to improve the serial head lamp significantly. The improvement in terms of water condensation for the modification using anti-fog coating depends from the number of cooling cycles.
Unfortunately, the modification operating with a desired leakage does not lead to any improvement in comparison to the serial head lamp. Moreover, the condensation of water is more pronounced then in the serial lamp.