Integration of Sequential Cultivation of Main Crops and Gas and Water Processing Subsystems Using Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities



31st International Conference On Environmental Systems
Authors Abstract
The Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities (CEEF) can be used as a test bed for Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS), because technologies developed for the CEEF system facilitate self-sufficient material circulation. Two experiments were conducted from September 27, 1999 to February 17, 2000 and from September 28, 2000 to February 9, 2001 in this study. In both experiments, rice and soybeans were cultivated sequentially in each chamber, having a cultivation bed area of 30 m2 and floor area of 43 m2, inside the Plantation Module (PM) with artificial lighting of the CEEF. 6 to 8 other vegetables were also cultivated in a chamber, having a cultivation bed area of 60 m2 and floor area of 65 m2, inside the PM with natural lighting in the first experiment and the second experiment. In both experiments, stable transplant and harvest of each crop were maintained during approximately one month, after approximately 3-months preparatory cultivation. Flows of gas and liquid materials to and from the crops were analyzed during the stable cultivation period. Almost all equipment of the Gas Processing Subsystem (GPS) of the Closed Plantation Experiment Facilities (CPEF) in the CEEF were operated during the period. Parts of the Water Processing Subsystem (WRPS), which are necessary to recycle condensed water from plantation and to supply nutrient solution for crops, were also operated. Stable operation of both subsystems was confirmed during the period. Daily averages of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein contained in edible biomass from harvested rice and soybeans were 1.2 – 1.3, 1.2 – 1.3, and 1.8 of the necessary amount of each for a standard human activity.
Meta TagsDetails
Tako, Y., Arai, R., Otsubo, K., and Nitta, K., "Integration of Sequential Cultivation of Main Crops and Gas and Water Processing Subsystems Using Closed Ecology Experiment Facilities," SAE Technical Paper 2001-01-2133, 2001,
Additional Details
Jul 9, 2001
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Content Type
Technical Paper