Establishment of ISO9001 quality system with process management system for Intra-Net



Authors Abstract
Mitsubishi Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd., gained ISO9001 certification for whole 9 sites of its own on Feb. 1999 with paperless system as first automotive engineering company in Japan, we think.
In establishing the quality system conforming to ISO9001 requirements, we have newly developed and utilized Process Management System, i.e., "PMS" to control total R&D and service processes of the company.
The unique points of PMS comparing with existing project managing tools are as follows. 1. PMS has clear and easy to understand "process management"; 2. functions, controlling responsible personnel, schedule, work standard and output of each process of the project; 3. PMS conforms very well to ISO9001 quality system requirements; 3. PMS works on Intra-Net web system being recognized by every person on the company web.
PMS, combined with Intra-Net paperless documentation system, has given us the following merits. 1. Every related person can see the actual condition of the project very clearly, at any time and from anywhere of our sites. 2. Every necessary documents are completely traceable. 3. PMS has a good conformity to ISO9001 quality system, resulting in easy acquisition of ISO9001 certification. 4. The amount of paper files has been decreased 7% compared with that of the starting point of our ISO9001 promotion instead of 50% increase in the usual case without PMS. 5. In the 2000 model of ISO9001 the process approach will have more importance, so PMS will undoubtedly help us very much.
Meta TagsDetails
Iwamura, N., "Establishment of ISO9001 quality system with process management system for Intra-Net," SAE Technical Paper 2000-05-0208, 2000, .
Additional Details
Jun 12, 2000
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Content Type
Technical Paper