Dual Starting System Modeling of Vehicle Engine

Authors Abstract
The article introduces modeling and simulation of a hybrid vehicle model starter system consisting of electric and pneumatic motor concepts. The electric drive system is driven by a direct current (DC) permanent magnet motor, while the pneumatic drive system is driven by a pneumatic drive. In the proposed system, an air starter was used as an auxiliary system to the current electric start method, and air start was used as the primary starting system as long as the air pressure was permissible, and when the air pressure was insufficient, the electric starting system would come into operation. MATLAB SIMULINK-SIMCAP are instrument environments that have been used to model and simulate electrical and pneumatic drive system components including the battery, DC motor, compressor tank, directional control valve, pneumatic actuator, and load produced while the motor is in motion. The performance of the proposed initiation systems has been analyzed and investigated. This technology is effective for reliable starting and increasing the service life of both the battery and the starter motor, as well as the safety of the vehicle and passengers. Moreover, the pneumatic system has other uses in tractors and commercial vehicles (such as trucks, tractors, and buses) such as opening/closing doors and/or the braking system (infrastructure that already exists). Therefore, there is no need to build another system.
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Abouzaid, M., Bahgat, M., Watany, M., and Abd Elhafiz, M., "Dual Starting System Modeling of Vehicle Engine," SAE Int. J. Commer. Veh. 15(1):3-13, 2022, https://doi.org/10.4271/02-14-04-0030.
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Mar 3, 2021
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Journal Article