Light Duty Diesel Engine: Optimization of Performances, Noxious Emission and Radiated Noise

Small Engine Technology Conference & Exposition
Authors Abstract
The paper aims at performing an environmental and energetic optimization of a naturally aspirated, light-duty direct injection (DI) diesel engine, equipped with a Common Rail injection system.
Injection modulation into up to three pulses is considered starting from an experimental campaign conducted under non-evaporative conditions in a quiescent optically-accessible cylindrical vessel containing nitrogen at different densities. The engine performances in terms of power and emitted NOx and soot are reproduced by multidimensional modelling of the in-cylinder processes. The radiated noise is evaluated by resorting to a recently developed methodology, based on the decomposition of the CFD 3D computed in-cylinder pressure signal. Once validated, both the CFD and the acoustic procedures are applied to the simulation of the prototype engine and are coupled to an external optimizer with the aim of minimizing fuel consumption, pollutant emissions and radiated noise.
Meta TagsDetails
Costa, M., Siano, D., Allocca, L., Montanaro, A. et al., "Light Duty Diesel Engine: Optimization of Performances, Noxious Emission and Radiated Noise," SAE Int. J. Engines 2(2):740-748, 2010, .
Additional Details
Nov 3, 2009
Product Code
Content Type
Journal Article