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This SAE Standard was developed to provide a method for indicating the direction of engine rotation and numbering of engine cylinders. The document is intended for use in designing new engines to eliminate the differences which presently exist in industry.
Engine Power Test Code Committee
This is a guide intended to aid the user in the proper selection and application of rivets as a fastening means. It consists of general information on the advantages of riveting, various methods of riveting, selection of rivets and design considerations.
Fasteners Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses past and present approaches for monitoring the landing gear structure and shock absorber (servicing), opportunities for corrosion detection, methods for transient overload detection, techniques for measuring the forces seen by the landing gear structure, and methods for determining the fatigue state of the landing gear structure. Landing gear tire condition and tire pressure monitoring are detailed in ARP6225, AIR4830, and ARP6137, respectively. Aircraft Brake Temperature Monitoring Systems (BTMS) are detailed in AS1145.
A-5 Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Committee
This SAE Information Report describes a concept of operations (CONOPS) for a Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA) Feature for infrastructure-based prescriptive cooperative merge. This work focuses on a Class D (Prescriptive; refer to J3216) CDA infrastructure-based cooperative merge Feature, supported by Class A (Status-Sharing) or Class C (Agreement-Seeking) messages among the merging cooperative automated driving system-operated vehicles (C-ADS-equipped vehicles). This document also provides a test procedure to evaluate this CDA Feature, which is suitable for proof-of-concept testing in both virtual and test track settings.
Cooperative Driving Automation(CDA) Committee
This User Guide describes the content of the Enterprise Architect (EA) version of the UCS Architectural Model and how to use this model within the EA modeling tool environment. The purpose of the EA version of the UCS Architectural Interface Control Document (ICD) model is to provide a working model for Enterprise Architect tool users and to serve as the source model for the Rational Software Architect (RSA) and Rhapsody models (AIR6516 and AIR6517). The AIR6515 EA Model has been validated to contain the same content as the AS6518 model for: all UCS ICD interfaces all UCS ICD messages all UCS ICD data directly or indirectly referenced by ICD messages and interfaces the Domain Participant, Information, Service, and Non-Functional Properties Models
AS-4UCS Unmanned Systems Control Segment Architecture
The terms and definitions in this document describe the functions performed within an ADS, as defined in SAE J3016. Where possible we have attempted to capture the language that is already in use within the automated driving development community. Where needed, we have added new terms and definitions, including clarifying notes to avoid ambiguity. SAE J3131 deals primarily with Level 4 and Level 5 ADS features.
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee
This SAE Information Report provides a compendium of terms, definitions, abbreviations, and acronyms to enable common terminology for use in engineering reports, diagnostic tools, and publications related to active safety systems. This information report is a survey of active safety systems and related terms. The definitions offered are descriptions of functionality rather than technical specifications. Included are warning and momentary intervention systems, which do not automate any part of the dynamic driving task (DDT) on a sustained basis (SAE Level 0 as defined in SAE J3016), as well as definitions of select features that perform part of the DDT on a sustained basis (SAE Level 1 and 2).
Active Safety Systems Standards Committee
This brief User Guide recaps the content of the AS6518B UCS Architectural Model. The purpose of the UCS Architecture Model is to provide the authoritative source for other models and products within the UCS Architecture as shown in the AS6512B UCS Architecture: Architecture Description.
AS-4UCS Unmanned Systems Control Segment Architecture
This standard is applicable to reciprocating engines powering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that have rated power values less than 22.4 kW and are not to be used for human transport. This standard only covers engines designed for 150 hours of operation or higher.
E-39 Unmanned Aircraft Propulsion Committee
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