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This SAE standard outlines the steps and known accepted methodologies and standards for linking Model V&V with model-based product reliability assessments. The standard’s main emphasis is that quantified values for model-based product reliability must be accompanied by a quantified confidence value if the users of the model wish to claim use of a “Verified and Validated” model, and if they wish to further link into business and investment decisions that are informed by quantitative second-order risk and benefit cost considerations.
G-41 Reliability
Access mechanisms to system data and/or control is a primary use case of the hardware protected security environment (hardware protected security environment) during different uses and stages of the system. The hardware protected security environment acts as a gatekeeper for these use cases and not necessarily as the executor of the function. This section is a generalization of such use cases in an attempt to extract common requirements for the hardware protected security environment that enable it to be a gatekeeper. Examples are: Creating a new key fob Re-flashing ECU firmware Reading/exporting PII out of the ECU Using a subscription-based feature Performing some service on an ECU Transferring ownership of the vehicle Some of these examples are discussed later in this section and some have detailed sections of their own. This list is by no means comprehensive. Other use cases that require hardware protected security environment-based access control may be used by each manufacturer
Vehicle Electrical System Security Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides test procedures, requirements, and guidelines for side turn signal lamps intended for use on vehicles 12 m or more in overall length, except pole trailers. Side turn signal lamps conforming to the requirements of this document may be used on other large vehicles such as trucks, truck tractors, buses, and other applications where this type of lighting device is desirable. It is not intended for use on shorter vehicles due to the higher intensity requirements of SAE J2039 compared to the SAE J914 devices.
Heavy Duty Lighting Standards Committee
SAE J2998 defines the recommended information content to be included for documenting dynamical models used for simulation of ground vehicle systems. It describes the information that should be compiled to describe a model for the following user applications or use cases: (1) exchange, promotion, and selection; (2) creation requests; (3) development process management; (4) compatibility evaluation; (5) testing-in-the-loop simulations with hardware and/or software; (6) simulation applications; and (7) development and maintenance. For each use case, a model description documentation (MDD) template is provided in the appendices to facilitate model documentation. In addition, an example of a completed model documentation template is provided in the appendices.
Dynamical Modeling and Simulation Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended to describe the application of single-phase DC to AC inverters, and bidirectional inverter/chargers, which supply power to ac loads in Class heavy duty on-highway trucks (10K GVW). The document identifies appropriate operating performance requirements and adds some insight into inverter selection. This document applies to factory and after-market installed DC-to-AC inverter systems (Including inverter chargers) providing up 3000 W of 120 VAC line-voltage power as a convenience for operator and passenger use. Such inverters are intended to power user loads not essential to vehicle Operation or safety (e.g., HVAC, TV, microwave ovens, battery chargers for mobile phones or laptop computers, audio equipment, etc.). Systems incorporate the inverter itself as well as the input, output, control, and signal wiring associated with the inverter. Requirements are given for the performance, safety, reliability, and environmental compatibility of the system
Truck and Bus Electrical Systems Committee
This document is written to address acceleration and deceleration control issues related to heavy-duty trucks and buses greater than 10000 GVW.
Truck and Bus Brake Systems Committee
SAE J2534-1 defines a standard vehicle network interface that can be used to reprogram emission-related control modules. However, there is a need to support vehicles prior to the 2004 model year, as well as non-emission related control modules. The SAE J2534-2 document meets these needs by detailing extensions to API version 04.04 of the SAE J2534-1 specification. It is not required for an interface to be fully compliant with API version 04.04 of the SAE J2534-1 specification to implement some of the features specified in this document. Together, these extensions provide the framework for a common interface to protect the software investment of the vehicle OEMs and scan tool manufacturers. Only the optional features will be described by this document and are based on the December 2004 publication of SAE J2534-1.
Vehicle E E System Diagnostic Standards Committee
This specification establishes the requirements for the production of reliable, repeatable, reproducible aerospace parts by fused filament fabrication but is not limited to such application. This specification establishes the requirements to approve new machines, processes, and materials. Specifically, this specification covers machine configuration, operating software, machine calibration, machine and build parameters, and testing methodology required to create aerospace parts. This specification also defines the user’s responsibility for following the specified requirements.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Non-Metallic
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) has been written for individuals associated with ground level testing of turbofan and turbojet engines, and particularly for those who might be interested in investigating steady-state performance characteristics of a new test cell design or of proposed modifications to an existing test cell by means of numerical modeling and simulation. It is not the intent of this standard to provide specific test cell design recommendations, which are covered in the reference documentation.
EG-1E Gas Turbine Test Facilities and Equipment
This specification covers a heat-resistant titanium alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This AIR is applicable to components fabricated using additive manufacturing (AM) processes. The discussion is generic with respect to specific additive processes as much as possible. Each additive process has unique considerations that should be addressed in any effort to substantiate additively manufactured components, This specification is written for metallics but conceptually could be applied to non-metallics.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing
This specification covers the grain flow pattern requirements in headed bolts, screws, and studs. The heading practice in the manufacture of the bolt, screw, or stud sets the grain flow pattern, but it is also greatly influenced by the fastener and tooling design as well as cold-forging setup. The use of tooling design simulation software is recommended and a commonly used practice that provides reliable forging predictions for superior grain flow quality.
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides technical recommendations for the lighting applications for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The technical content of this ARP discusses the unique trade-offs that are necessary to maintain commonality to the U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs)1 for aerospace lighting. The recommendations set forth in this document are to aid in the design of Unmanned Aircraft (UA) lighting for the size of aircraft and operation for which the aircraft is intended. In addition, certain concepts of operation for which UASs are suited will require unique lighting solutions.
A-20B Exterior Lighting Committee
SAE GEIA-STD-0007C defines logistics product data generated during the requirement definition and design of an industry or government system, end item, or product. It makes use of the Extensible Markup Language (XML) through the use of entities and attributes that comprise logistics product data and their definitions. The standard is designed to provide users with a uniform set of data tags for all or portions of logistics product data. The standard can be applied to any industry or government product, system or equipment acquisition program, major modification program, and applicable research and development projects. This standard is for use by both industry and government activities. As used in this standard, the requiring authority is generally the customer and the customer can be a government or industry activity. The performing activity may be either a industry or government activity. The use of the term “contract” in this standard includes any document of agreement between
LCLS Life Cycle Logistics Supportability
This standard defines five CM functions and their underlying principles. The functions are detailed in Section 5. The principles, highlighted in text boxes, are designed to individually identify the essence of the related CM function and can be used to collectively create a checklist of “best practice” criteria to evaluate a CM program. The CM principles defined in this standard apply equally to internally focused enterprise information, processes, and supporting systems (i.e., Enterprise CM - policy driven, supporting the internal goals needed to achieve an efficient, effective and lean enterprise), as well as to the working relationships supported by the enterprise (i.e., Acquirer/Supplier CM - contracted relationship to support external trusted interaction with suppliers). In an Enterprise CM context there are several methodologies for principle use by the enterprise: The principles of this standard provide direction for developing enterprise or functional CM plans focused on
G-33 Configuration Management
This standard defines the common nonconformity data definition and documentation that shall be exchanged between an internal/external supplier or sub-tier supplier, and the customer when informing about a nonconformity requiring formal decision. The requirements are applicable, partly or totally, when reporting a product nonconformity to the owner or operator, as user of the end item (e.g., engine, aircraft, spacecraft, helicopter), if specified by contract. Reporting of nonconformity data, either electronically or conventionally on paper, is subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. This also includes, where applicable, data access under export control regulations.
G-14 Americas Aerospace Quality Standards Committee (AAQSC)
The goal of the Bicyclist Test Mannequin Task Force is to develop standard specifications/requirements for bicyclist test mannequins (one adult and one child) that are representative of real bicyclists to the sensors used in Bicyclist Detection systems and can be used for performance assessment of such in-vehicle systems (including warning and/or braking) in real world test scenarios/conditions. This version of the document only includes the recommended bicyclist mannequin characteristics for vision, Lidar, and/or 76 to 78 GHz radar-based Bicyclist Pre-Collision systems.
Active Safety Systems Standards Committee
This SAE Information Report provides a comparative summary between the various messages found in the SAE ATIS standards work (notably SAE J2313, J2353, J2354, J2369 and J2374) and that found in the GATS standard (Global Automotive Telematics Standard). GATS is a message set meant to be deployed on mobile phone systems based on the GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) phone system which is being deployed in European markets and which the SAE may need to harmonize with as part of the World Standards activities of TC204. This document provides an overview of the various types of supported messages and how they compare with US terms and messages. Some selected features of the GATS work are recommended for assimilation into the next revision of ATIS standards. No attempt at determining a U.S. policy in this regard is provided. This document seeks to provide the reader familiar with SAE ATIS with a high level overview of technical knowledge of the GATS approach in similar areas.
V2X Core Technical Committee
This SAE Standard specifies necessary procedures and control parameters in estimating anisotropic elastic constants of friction material based on pad assembly FRF measurements and optimization. It is intended to provide a set of elastic constants as inputs to brake NVH simulation, with the objective of ensuring pad assembly vibration correlation between simulation and measurements.
Brake NVH Standards Committee
The Location Referencing Message Specification (LRMS) standardizes location referencing for ITS applications that require the communication of spatial data references between databases. ITS databases may reside in central sites, vehicles, or devices on or off roads or other transportation links. The LRMS is applicable to both homogeneous (same database) and mixed database environments that may be implemented on wireless or landline networks. While developed for ITS applications, the LRMS may be used for non-ITS applications as well within the field of geographic information processing.
V2X Core Technical Committee
This SAE Standard defines methods and messages to efficiently translate sequences of text and other types of data into and out of indexed values and look-up tables for effective transmission. This document defines: a Methods and Data Elements for handling indexes and strings in ATIS applications and message sets b Message Sets to support the delivery and translations of tables used in such strings c Tables of Nationally standardized strings for use in ATIS message descriptions And examples of each in illustrative portions. While developed for ATIS use, the methods defined in this document are useful for any textual strings in any Telematics applications found both in Intelligent Vehicles and elsewhere.
V2X Core Technical Committee
This SAE Information Report has been prepared at the request of the SAE Road Vehicle Aerodynamics Forum Committee (RVAC), incorporating material from earlier revisions of the document first prepared by the Standards Committee on Cooling Flow Measurement (CFM). Although a great deal is already known about engine cooling, recent concern with fuel conservation has resulted in generally smaller air intakes whose shape and location are dictated primarily by low vehicle drag/high forward speed requirements. The new vehicle intake configurations make it more difficult to achieve adequate cooling under all conditions. They cause cooling flow velocity profiles to become distorted and underhood temperatures to be excessively high. Such problems make it necessary to achieve much better accuracy in measuring cooling flows. As the following descriptions show, each company or institution concerned with this problem has invested a lot of time and as a result gained considerable experience in
Road Vehicle Aerodynamics Forum Committee
This SAE Standard serves as the guidance document for the J2945/x family of standards as illustrated in Figure 7. It contains cross-cutting material which applies to the other J2945/x standards, including recommended practice for the use of Systems Engineering (SE) and generic DSRC interface requirements content. The scope for the DSRC system environment is to provide for the information exchange between a host vehicle and another DSRC enabled device, a device worn by or otherwise attached to a traveler, a roadside device, or a management center, to address safety, mobility, and environmental system needs. The audience for this document includes the technical teams of developers of the J2945/x documents and the implementers of the applications which are based on the J2945/x documents.
V2X Core Technical Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
The objective of this document is to provide a recommended practice for the development of aerospace EPS dynamic models so that models developed by different companies/industries/governments/etc. will have a basic level of compatibility and interconnectivity. This will be crucial as the aerospace industry looks to solve the challenges of the 21st century through integrated vehicle optimization. This document focuses on model interfaces and their interconnection. Other than these boundary characteristics, this document does not attempt to describe or regulate the inner workings of individual component models. AIR6326 defines the four-level paradigm for aircraft EPS MSAT studies. Of the four levels, Device Physical, Behavioral, Functional, and Architectural, only the first three are dynamic models. Further, the Device Physical level is too detailed and not intended to be interconnected to other EPS models. Thus, only the middle two levels – Behavioral and Functional – will be covered by
AE-7M Aerospace Model Based Engineering
This document outlines a standard practice for conducting system safety. In some cases, these principles may be captured in other standards that apply to specific commodities such as commercial aircraft and automobiles. For example, those manufacturers that produce commercial aircraft should use SAE ARP4754 or SAE ARP4761 (see Section 2 below) to meet FAA or other regulatory agency system safety-related requirements. The system safety practice as defined herein provides a consistent means of evaluating identified risks. Mishap risk should be identified, evaluated, and mitigated to a level as low as reasonably practicable. The mishap risk should be accepted by the appropriate authority and comply with federal (and state, where applicable) laws and regulations, executive orders, treaties, and agreements. Program trade studies associated with mitigating mishap risk should consider total life cycle cost in any decision. This document is intended for use as one of the elements of project
G-48 System Safety
Propulsion measurements and thrust methods presented in the current published versions of AIR1703 and AIR5450 place a primary focus on the engine reactionary force (thrust) acting to propel an aircraft in the forward direction. In contrast, this document addresses the use of the engine reactionary force in the opposite direction (reverse thrust) to supplement aircraft deceleration. This document’s application spans commercial and military transport turbofan engine applications for various engine and reverse thrust configurations. The discussion and examples primarily focus on separate flow exhaust turbofan engines. Piston and turboprop variable-pitch propeller blade applications are not covered. Although reverse thrust has been utilized for in-flight deceleration, primarily for short takeoff and landing aircraft and military fighter applications, this application of reverse thrust is only covered in a cursory manner.
E-33 In Flight Propulsion Measurement Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel-chromium-iron-molybdenum-alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder manufactured by atomization in an inert gas.
AMS F Corrosion and Heat Resistant Alloys Committee
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant steel alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This specification covers a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of pre-alloyed powder.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This specification establishes process controls for the repeatable production of preforms by Wire Fed Plasma Arc Directed Energy Deposition (PA-DED). It is intended to be used for aerospace parts manufactured using Additive Manufacturing (AM) metal alloys, but usage is not limited to such applications.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This specification covers preforms fabricated up through 5.5 inches (140 mm) inclusive in deposition width thickness (see 8.2.5) using a Plasma Arc Directed Energy Deposition (PA-DED) additive manufacturing process on a Ti-6Al-4V substrate that are subjected to post-deposition stress relief heat treatment. This is a wire fed additive manufacturing process. If required by the CEO, preforms may require subsequent machining to meet requirements for their intended final part application.
AMS AM Additive Manufacturing Metals
This SAE Recommended Practice provides a set of core data elements needed by information service providers for Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). The data dictionary herein provides the foundation for ATIS message sets for all stages of travel (pre-trip and en route), all types of travelers (drivers, passengers), all categories of information, and all platforms for delivery of information (in-vehicle, portable devices, kiosks, etc.). The elements of this document are the basis for the SAE ATIS Message Set Standard J2354 and are entered into the SAE Data Registry for ITS wide coordination.
V2X Core Technical Committee
This Information Report addresses the design and performance specifications for a generic buck to be used in full-scale vehicle to pedestrian tests conducted to evaluate pedestrian dummy performance. Specifically, the buck is designed to mimic the impact response of the front end of a sedan within the small family car class during a collision with a pedestrian. The goal is to develop a generic buck with simplified geometry and a limited number of components made of clearly defined and readily available engineering materials to facilitate fabrication and reproducibility. To ensure performance of the buck, it is specified that the buck mimics the maximum crush distance, absorbed energy, and maximum force corresponding to a sedan within the small family car class during a pedestrian impact. The design and performance specifications provided in this document focus on: (1) the design specifications describing the materials and geometry of the generic buck and (2) the specific certification
Human Biomechanics and Simulations Standards Committee
Almost all light trucks now are being manufactured with at least a driver side air bag and all will have dual air bags by 1998. The driving forces behind this feature are occupant safety, federal regulations, and competition in the industry. Along with the booming popularity of pickups and SUVs, they are commonly accessorized with a wide variety of products. Many accessories for four-wheel drives in particular are mounted on the front of the vehicle. These products include grille/brush guards, winches, snow plows, replacement bumpers, bicycle carriers, etc. Concerns have arisen over the compatibility of these accessories with the vehicle’s air bag system. The vehicle manufacturers are concerned because of their huge investment in design and crash test verification of the complete vehicle system and keen awareness of the federal regulations. The crushability of the front bumper and supporting structure are key elements in the system, so alterations to that area become logical concerns
Motor Vehicle Council
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