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This document collates the ways and means that existing sensors can identify the platform’s exposure to volcanic ash. The capabilities include real-time detection and estimation, and post flight determinations of exposure and intensity. The document includes results of initiatives with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Transport Canada, various research organizations, Industry and other subject matter experts. The document illustrates the ways that an aircraft can use existing sensors to act as health monitoring tools so as to assess the operational and maintenance effects related to volcanic ash incidents and possibly help determine what remedial action to take after encountering a volcanic ash (VA) event. Finally, the document provides insight into emerging technologies and capabilities that have been specifically pursued to detect volcanic ash encounters but are not yet a part
HM-1 Integrated Vehicle Health Management Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the requirements for a grooved clamp coupling and flanges suitable for joining intermediate pressure and temperature ducting in aircraft pneumatic systems. The coupling joint assembly, hereafter referred to as "the joint", shall operate within the temperature range of -65 °F external ambient to +800 °F internal fluid
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
To present a summary of the guidelines and practices presently being used by the aerospace industry for the selection of coiled tubes, flexible hoses, swivel fittings, and extension fittings in aircraft fluid systems
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) describes equivalent type equipment and operational guidelines for a standard sine wave impulse test machine. The machine may be used for testing hydraulic tubing, fittings, hose assemblies, and similar fluid system components, if desired. The standard sine wave impulse test machine is established for the following purposes: 1 A design guide for future machines being built by manufacturers and users. 2 As a referee in the event of conflicting data from two or more nonstandard impulse machines. Such a referee machine might be built by an impartial testing activity
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document defines the minimum performance standards for personnel parachute assemblies to be carried in aircraft or worn by passengers, crew, or parachutists for emergency use. This document covers three types of personnel carrying parachute assemblies and the operating limitations for each
Aerospace Council
A review of droplet sizing instruments used for icing research is presented. These instruments include the Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe, the Optical Array Probe, the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer, the Malvern Particle Size Analyzer, the oil slide technique, and the rotating multicylinder. The report focuses on the theory of operation of these instruments and practical considerations when using them in icing facilities
AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is presented in two parts. The first part is simply a summarization of design factors that must be considered in establishing vehicle specifications and design characteristics. The second part refers particularly to the performance characteristics of an aircraft tow tractor. Some definitions, formulas, data, and an example are provided mainly for assisting the specifying engineers of potential buyers and users of aircraft tow tractors in the evaluation and comparison of their requirements with the performance capabilities of the various tow tractors offered by the tow tractor manufacturers. Although the design engineers could also use the formulas and data in their calculations of the performance specifications of aircraft tow tractors, this AIR is not intended to provide the methods and all data necessary for detailed calculations and design of an aircraft tow tractor
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This SAE Standard defines the basic structural elements, and guidance on compilation and management, for a software supportability program. Software supportability considerations include initial design influence and through-life support embracing the operational use, post-delivery modification, and logistics management of software. This document requires that the processes of design, development, selection, and production of software include software supportability considerations, as relevant to particular project needs
G-41 Reliability
This SAE Standard provides a framework for the management of software reliability within system reliability requirements. It is based around the Software Reliability Plan and Software Reliability Case and emphasizes the importance of evaluating progress towards meeting software reliability requirements throughout the project life-cycle
G-41 Reliability
This standard covers oronasal type masks which use a continuous flow oxygen supply. Each such mask comprises a facepiece with valves as required, a mask suspension device, a reservoir, or rebreather bag (when used), a length of tubing for connection to the oxygen supply source, and a means for allowing the crew to determine if oxygen is being delivered to the mask. The assembly shall be capable of being stowed suitably to meet the requirements of its intended use
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes the method for qualification testing of tube joints and fitting attachments, using the flexure test method described in ARP1185. This qualification test method allows the determination of S-N type stress versus cycles or D-N type deflection versus cycles curves, as illustrated in ARP1418 as an alternate to flexture testing to a minimum endurance stress level
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document provides methods and techniques for implementing a reliability program throughout the full life cycle of a software product, whether the product is considered as standalone or part of a system. This document is the companion to the Software Reliability Program Standard [JA1002]. The Standard describes the requirements of a software reliability program to define, meet, and demonstrate assurance of software product reliability using a Plan-Case framework and implemented within the context of a system application. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment whose functionality is to some degree implemented by software components. It is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a value-added basis for the business aspects of development, use, and sustainment of software whose reliability is an important performance parameter. Applicability of specific practices will
G-41 Reliability
The study shall be directed to commercial aircraft service and include engine experience in both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters covering the time period from 1962 to the present
Engine Containment Ad Hoc Committee
The purpose of this specification is to provide airplane operators and tow vehicle manufacturers with: a General design and operating requirements pertinent to test and evaluation of towbarless tow vehicles. Specific design requirements are provided in ARP4852 and ARP4853. b Test and evaluation requirements. The results of these test evaluations will determine if the loads induced by the tow vehicle will exceed the design loads of the nose gear, or are within the aircraft manufacturer’s limits so that they do not affect the certified safe limit of the nose gear. The results of these test evaluations will also determine if a stability problem may occur during pushback and/or maintenance towing operations with the tested airplane/tow vehicle combination. This document specifies general test requirements and a test evaluation procedure for towbarless tow vehicles (TLTV) intended for pushback and maintenance towing only. It is not meant for dispatch (operational) towing (see definitions in
AGE-3 Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Committee
This document is intended to explain, in detail, the rationale behind the features and functions of the AS4074, Linear, Token-passing, Bus (LTPB). The discussions also address the considerations which a system designer should take into account when designing a system using this bus. Other information can be found in these related documents: AIR4271 - Handbook of System Data Communication AS4290 - Validation Test Plan for AS4074
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides a framework for the establishment of a software support concept related to the support and supportability of both custom-developed and Off-the-Shelf (OTS) software. This document complements SAE AIR 5121, JA1004, and JA1005 by providing information needed to understand the support aspects that should be covered by a software supportability program. It should be noted that particular information indicated here should not be considered a complete list of all aspects of the support concept. In particular, the information should not be confused with a list of data elements. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment that contain software. The target audience for this document includes software acquisition organizations, software logisticians, developers, supporters, and customers. This document is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a
G-41 Reliability
This SAE Recommended Practice provides recommended guidelines and best practices for implementing a supportability program to ensure that software is supportable throughout its life cycle. This Implementation Guide is the companion to the Software Supportability Program Standard, SAE JA1004, that describes, within a Plan-Case framework, what software supportability performance requirements are necessary. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment whose functionality is to some degree implemented via software. It is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a value-added basis for the business aspects of development, use, and sustainment of support-critical software. Applicability of specific recommended practices will depend on the support-significance of the software, application domain, and life cycle stage of the software
G-41 Reliability
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) recommends performance requirements for test equipment used in dynamic testing of aviation oxygen breathing equipment. This document describes test equipment and methods used for testing continuous flow, demand and pressure demand regulators and their associated masks as well as filtered protective breathing devices; such articles of oxygen breathing or protective breathing equipment may be tested as individual components or as a complete system
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document recommends criteria for the design and installation of Autopilot, Flight Director and Autothrust Systems. These three systems are highly interrelated and will be referred to generically as an Integrated Flight Guidance System (IFGS
S-7 Flight Deck Handling Qualities Stds for Trans Aircraft
The original purpose of this document was to establish interface requirements for modular avionics backplanes to be prototyped up to 1995. The document was issued as ARD50011 in September 1992. It is being reissued as an SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) in order to: a Preserve the requirements for more than 2 years b Support design of retrofits and avionics systems to be fielded in the years 1995 to 2000 c Provide a baseline for updating the requirements of future integrated systems These requirements were and are intended to promote standardization of modular avionic backplane interfaces. These requirements have been driven predominantly, but not exclusively, by aerospace type military platforms
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This specification covers concentric lay stranded and rope-lay stranded round electrical conductor fabricated from copper, copper alloy or aluminum. This specification also covers thermocouple extension conductor fabricated from nickel/chromium or nickel/aluminum/manganese. The conductors in this specification are suitable for use in insulated wires used in aerospace and other applications
AE-8D Wire and Cable Committee
This test method provides a standardized procedure for evaluating the electrical resistance of automotive coolant hose covers. It is known that an electrical potential exists between the engine and the radiator. Coolant hose cover conductivity has been determined to be a factor to reduce hose clamp life when vehicle build variations allow possible contact of the hose or the clamp to metal components on the radiator and engine thus completing an electrical circuit. The ensuing electrical current can undercut the clamp protective coating, leaving it vulnerable to the corrosive effects of road salts, moisture, and other environmental contaminants. SAE Recommended Practice J1684 addresses the electrochemical resistance of the tube portion of the coolant hose
Non-Hydraulic Hose Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides recommendations for the design and test requirements for a spring-loaded, normally-closed hydraulic check valve. The check valve is intended for use in a civil or military aircraft hydraulic system with a rated system pressure up to 5000 psi (34500 kPa
A-6C5 Components Committee
The demonstrated architectural model and associated graphical techniques defined herein were developed to provide a simple method of visualizing the general functional operation or behavior of a Distributed Embedded System with a strong emphasis on representing system time characteristics
Embedded Software Standards Committee
This SAE Information Report establishes a point system that encourages ease of maintenance actions on off-road machines. The point system minimizes subjectivity in evaluating maintainability as defined in ISO 8927
Machine Technical Steering Committee
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