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This specification covers one type of a biodegradable, deactant-type deodorizer in the form of an aerosol-packaged liquid.
AMS J Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals and Materials Committee
This specification establishes the requirements for cleaning compounds, used in parts washers and spray cabinets for cleaning aircraft components.
AMS J Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals and Materials Committee
This supplement forms a part of the Aerospace Standard AS5420, Hose Assembly, Heated, 125 psig, Lined Silicone, Potable Water, Procurement Specification, and shall be used to identify hose assembly standards citing this procurement specification.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides a procedure for obtaining filter patch test samples from the following types of aerospace non-rotating hydraulic equipment: Mechanical/Hydraulic Units Electro/Hydraulic Units Pneumatic/Hydraulic Units
A-6C1 Fluids and Contamination Control Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses the design choices and engineering trade-offs available to the system designer in the efficient selection and application of Last-Chance filters in contrast to main or primary system filters.
A-6C1 Fluids and Contamination Control Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) shall be limited to information about corrosion caused by fluoride offgassing of fluoropolymer-based wire insulation. It reviews published reports of corrosion caused by this phenomenon, describes scenarios where this may be a concern, mitigation options, and references a test method which can be used to evaluate wire insulations where needed.
AE-8D Wire and Cable Committee
This specification establishes the design, performance, and test requirements for hydraulic quantity measuring fuses intended to be used for hydraulic circuit protection.
A-6C5 Components Committee
This ARP describes methods for measuring the visual performance of direct view cathode ray tube displays used in aircraft flight decks and cockpits. Procedures may vary depending upon the type of display (for example, monochrome, color shadowmask, beam index, etc.), but all types are considered.
A-20A Crew Station Lighting
This supplement forms a part of the Aerospace Standard AS4468, Hose Assembly, 125 psi, Lined Silicone, Potable Water, Procurement Specification. It shall be used to identify hose assembly standards that are governed by this procurement specification.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) will examine network aspects of open and shorted stubs, line reflections and bus loading due to network changes. Single network level is assumed, that is, no carriage store hierarchical levels. However, two passive network coupling variants called "branched bus" and "branched stub" will be introduced that possibly could be used in a stores management network. This report assumes familiarity with MIL-STD-1553B.
AS-1B Aircraft Store Integration Committee
This SAE Standard applies to 12 V, flooded lead acid automotive storage batteries of 180 minutes or less reserve capacity using cast positive grid technology only. This life test simulates automotive service when the battery operates in a voltage regulated charging system. It subjects the battery to charge and discharge cycles comparable to those encountered in automotive service. Other performance and dimensional information is contained in the latest issue of SAE J537. This document is intended as a guide toward standard practice, but may be subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances.
Starter Battery Standards Committee
This Information Report presents background and rationale for SAE Recommended Practice J1106, Laboratory Testing Machine and Procedures for Measuring the Steady Force and Moment Properties of Passenger Car Tires. The purpose of SAE J1106 is to define standards for equipment design and test procedures so that data from different laboratories can be directly compared. Whereas such standardization is not a requirement for testing associated with tire development, it is necessary in the context of vehicle design and tire selection problems. The basic approach employed in developing SAE J1106 was to consolidate and document existing technology as embodied in equipment and procedures currently employed for routine tire evaluations. Equipment and procedures whose current use is restricted to research applications were not considered. Research experience is discussed in this Information Report, however, to the extent deemed necessary to provide background and rationale for SAE J1106. Material
Highway Tire Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice is intended as a guide toward standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances. This document establishes performance requirements, design requirements and design guidelines for electronic devices.
Test Methods and Equipment Stds Committee
As the number of Hydraulic Hybrid Powertrain equipped motor vehicles has increased, the number of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms which describe various components of these systems has increased. For the sake of industry standardization and to bring some order to the proliferation of such terms, abbreviations, and acronyms, the SAE Truck and Bus Hydraulic Hybrid committee prepared this document.
Truck and Bus Powertrain Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice was developed to standardize fuel inlet closure colors and verbiage by fuel type primarily for passenger car and truck applications, but it can be applied to marine, industrial, lawn and garden, and other similar applications. See Section 4, Table 1 for a list of specified colors, and text by fuel type.
Fuel Systems Standards Committee
This section defines the scope of the document, provides a brief history of the Pi-Bus, discusses key features of the Pi-Bus, and provides an overview of the operation of the Pi-Bus. This document is a handbook intended to accompany AS4710 Pi-Bus standard. The purpose of this document is to provide information to aid users of the Pi-Bus, whether they be implementors of Pi-Bus controllers, architects of systems considering using the Pi-Bus, or programmers who must develop applications in a system which uses the Pi-Bus as the backplane communications bus. This document also provides rationale for many of the Pi-Bus requirements as defined in AS4710 and a discussion of potential enhancements that are being considered for the Pi-Bus. The following is a mapping of major sections in this document for particular audiences: a Overview of Pi-Bus and its capabilities: Section 1 b Pi-Bus rationale: Sections 3, 4, and 5 c information for IC designers: Sections 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9 d Information for
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This document is a result of the desire for interoperability of modules on a Pi-Bus. This standard is a stand alone document that used the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) Phase 2, Interoperability Standard Pi-Bus Specification 2.2, as a starting point.
AS-1A Avionic Networks Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) documents general technical data associated with many of the wheels used in the Air Force.
A-5A Wheels, Brakes and Skid Controls Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on the possible methods of sealant removal. The discussion will focus on the methods of sealant removal and give the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
AMS G9 Aerospace Sealing Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) discusses the impact of the ISO Test Dusts, chosen as replacement contaminants for the Arizona Test Dusts (AC Test Dusts), and the ISO calibration procedure ISO 11171 for automatic particle counters, which replaces the calibration procedure ISO 4402 (1991), on laboratory performance of filter elements utilized in aerospace lubrication, hydraulic and fuel systems, and fluid cleanliness levels determined with automatic particle counters.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
This standard is intended to provide a method to obtain repeatable measurements that accurately reflect true engine performance in customer service. Whenever there is an opportunity for interpretation of the standard, a good faith effort shall be made to obtain the engine’s typical in-service performance and avoid finding the best possible performance under the best possible conditions. Intentional biasing of engine component or assembly tolerances to optimize performance for this test is prohibited.
Engine Power Test Code Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform laboratory techniques for the continuous and bag-sample measurement of various constituents in the exhaust gas of the gasoline engines installed in passenger cars and light-duty trucks. The report concentrates on the measurement of the following components in exhaust gas: hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). NOx is the sum of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). A complete procedure for testing vehicles may be found in SAE J1094. This document includes the following sections: 1. Scope 2. References 3. Emissions Sampling Systems 4. Emissions Analyzers 5. Data Analysis 6. Associated Test Equipment 7. Test Procedures
SAE IC Powertrain Steering Committee
This specification covers a gloss, engine-gray baking enamel based on a glyceryl phthalate resin.
AMS G8 Aerospace Organic Coatings Committee
The purpose of this SAE Recommended Practice is to establish minimum performance and user information requirements for battery booster cable sets used with 6 OR 12-VOLT BATTERIES. Such sets may be used to provide a temporary connection of a surface vehicle battery to another similar battery to provide emergency power when required. This document DOES NOT ENDORSE NOR RECOMMEND the potentially hazardous procedure of jump-starting a vehicle.
Electrical Distribution Steering Committee
This SAE Standard covers reinforced rubber, reinforced thermoplastic, or otherwise constructed hose, or hose assemblies, intended for conducting liquid and gaseous refrigerants for service connections from mobile air conditioning systems to service equipment such as a manifold gauge set and vacuum pumps or for use internally, in charging stations or service equipment intended for use in servicing mobile air-conditioning systems.
Interior Climate Control Service Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) addresses procedures applicable to quantifying the emission of nonvolatile particulate matter at the exit plane of aircraft gas turbine engines. While both volatile and nonvolatile particulate matter (PM) are present in aircraft gas turbine exhaust, the methods used to measure nonvolatile particles are farther advanced and are addressed here. Existing PM measurement regulations employ the SAE Smoke Number measurement (Reference 2.1.1), a stained filter technique used in evaluating visible emissions. The environmental and human health issues associated with submicronic PM emissions require more detailed measurement of the mass, size, and quantity of these particle emissions. Responding to regulatory agency requests, this AIR describes measurement techniques that are well developed and could be applied to the measurement of aircraft engine particulate matter. The techniques discussed here are considered relevant for measuring particle
E-31P Particulate Matter Committee
This document supplements ARP85, to extend its use in the design of ECS for supersonic transports. The ECS provides an environment controlled within specified operational limits of comfort and safety, for humans, animals, and equipment. These limits include pressure, temperature, humidity, conditioned air velocity, ventilation rate, thermal radiation, wall temperature, audible noise, vibration, and composition (ozone, contaminants, etc.) of the environment. The ECS is comprised of equipment, controls, and indicators that supply and distribute conditioned air to the occupied compartments. This system is defined within the ATA 100 specification, Chapter 21. It interfaces with the pneumatic system (Chapter 36 of ATA 100), at the inlet of the air conditioning system shutoff valves.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This information applies to refrigerant used to service automobiles, light trucks, and other vehicles with similar CFC-12 (R-12) systems. Systems used on mobile vehicles for refrigerated cargo that have hermetically sealed, rigid pipe, are not covered in this document.
Interior Climate Control Fluids Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice describes a method to collect, identify, and quantify effluent resulting from deployment of in-vehicle stored energy restraint systems. Deployment and collection is completed in a 2.83 m3 (100 ft3 ) chamber. This procedure is written as a guideline for the identification and quantification of both particulate effluent (size, concentration, and composition) and gaseous effluent (concentration and composition). The intent of this procedure is to describe and recommend testing methods and not to establish limits for the effluent. This procedure should be used in conjunction with performance specifications from the customer and/or manufacturer of the device(s) being tested. This is a general procedure for repetitive and comparative testing, and suggests only general guidelines for the safe conduct of tests and reliable data correlation.
Inflatable Restraints Committee
This SAE Information Report contains definitions for hydrogen fuel cell powered vehicle terminology. It is intended that this document be a resource for those writing other hydrogen fuel cell vehicle documents, specifically, Standards or Recommended Practices.
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to nomenclature of emissions and emissions reduction apparatus as applied to various engines and vehicles. Modifying adjectives are omitted in some cases for the sake of simplicity. However, it is considered good practice to use such adjectives when they add to clarity and understanding.
SAE IC Powertrain Steering Committee
The purpose of this report is to provide information on ozone, its effects, generally accepted ozone exposure limits (aviation and non-aviation), and methods of its control in high altitude aircraft. Sources of information are listed and referenced in the text.
AC-9 Aircraft Environmental Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) applies to a personal, portable oxygen concentrator (POC) to be supplied and used by a passenger requiring supplemental oxygen therapy while traveling on board civil, commercial, or personal aircraft. It covers a POC during both self-powered battery operation and while powered from an aircraft seat’s electrical power through the use of an accessory adapter. The POC is not intended to be connected to the aircraft’s oxygen systems or to be used by any aircraft personnel in any method of treatment or first aid of the general flying public.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
The guidelines in this SAE Information Report are directed at laboratory engine dynamometer test procedures with alternative fuels, and they are applicable to four-stroke and two-stroke cycle spark ignition (SI) and diesel (CI) engines (naturally aspirated or pressure charged, with or without charge air cooling). A brief overview of investigations with some alternative fuels can be found in SAE J1297. Other SAE documents covering vehicle, engine, or component testing may be affected by use of alternative fuels. Some of the documents that may be affected can be found in Appendix A. Guidelines are provided for the engine power test code (SAE J1349) in Appendix D. The principles of these guidelines may apply to other procedures and codes, but the effects have not been investigated. The report is organized into four technical sections, each dealing with an important aspect of testing or reporting of results when using alternative fuels. The first (Section 3) deals with such issues as what
SAE IC Powertrain Steering Committee
This document is intended for connectors typically found on aerospace platforms and ground support equipment. The document provides the reasons for proper fiber optic cleaning, an in-depth discussion of available cleaning methods, materials, packaging, safety, and environmental concerns. Applicable personnel include: Managers Designers Engineers Technicians Trainers/Instructors Third Party Maintenance Agencies Quality Personnel Purchasing Shipping/Receiving Production
AS-3 Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee
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