The primary objective of this document is to describe the systematic and random measurement uncertainties which may be expected when testing gas turbine engines in a range of different test facilities. The documentation covers a "traditional" method for estimating pretest uncertainties and a "new" method for computing and comparing posttest uncertainties. To determine these posttest uncertainties, data generated during the AGARD Uniform Engine Test Program (UETP) were analyzed and compared to the pretest estimates. The proposed procedure provides a mechanism for determining the expected accuracy of test results obtained from facilities which were not previously cross calibrated. Furthermore, the method can be used to assist in making cost-effective management decisions on the level of validation/cross calibration necessary when bringing a test facility on line. This document is also intended to act as a guide for improving uncertainty analyses in a broad spectrum of related industries
This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Manipulator Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Manipulator Services represent platform-independent capabilities commonly found across domains and types of unmanned systems. At present, twenty-five (25) services are defined in this document. These services are categorized as: Low Level Manipulator Control Services – The one service in this category allows for low-level command of the manipulator joint actuation efforts. This is an open-loop command that could be used in a simple tele-operation scenario. The service in this category is listed as follows: Primitive Manipulator Service Manipulator Sensor Services – These services, when queried, return instantaneous sensor data. Three services are defined that return respectively joint positions, joint velocities, and joint
The external threaded fastener protrusion shall be defined as the external threads including the chamfer which extend through the top surface of the nut, see Figure 1
The purpose and intent of Subcommittee E-33E’s effort, the reporting objectives, and the limitations inherent in the reported findings and recommendations are reviewed since these factors are the basis of the information contained in this document. SAE E-33E Subcommittee was formed to assess the level of industry experience that exists in the area of thrust determination during aircraft time-variant operating conditions. A prime objective was to provide a center for gathering expertise and to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and viewpoints. The committee recognized that a practice for the rigorous treatment of time-dependent thrust did not exist and that several critical aspects of its accounting would need to be investigated. The specific objectives of this document are: a To examine aircraft and engine operating conditions under which the quasi-steady thrust assumption is valid. b To determine the extent to which time-dependent (nonstationary) force accounting for engine net
This document describes a hand-applied, nontank, phosphoric acid anodizing process for surface preparation of aluminum alloys required to achieve optimum bondline durability for structural adhesive bonding
This ARP outlines recommended practices to quantify the concentrations of a subset of bleed air contaminant marker compounds on an aircraft propulsion engine or APU prior to delivery and installation on civil and military aircraft. Testing is specified during steady state (non-transient) operation only, in a ground level test bed. Included are recommended test setup, test procedures, techniques for sampling ambient air and bleed air, and one or more specific analytical methodologies for each of the suggested bleed air contaminant marker compounds at quantification levels, given practical constraints
This SAE Recommended Practice provides laboratory test procedures, requirements, and guidelines for electronic siren systems with a single loudspeaker, and electromechanical sirens for use on authorized emergency vehicles, which call for the right-of-way. Test procedures and performance requirements for individual system components are not included in this version. Results obtained for a siren system with a speaker array that is greater than 0.5 m in any dimension shall apply to the system only when the array is in the same spatial configuration as tested (i.e., the same speaker separation and orientation
This SAE Recommended Practice provides dimensional specifications for the 41/2 and 53/4 inch general service sealed lighting units, intended for use in such applications as motorcycle headlamps, military headlamps, industrial machinery headlamps, fog lamps, spot lamps, etc. See Figures 1 and 2 and Tables 1 and 2
This SAE Standard defines and provides a means for the control of colors employed in motor vehicle external lighting equipment, including lamps and reflex reflectors. The document applies to the overall effective color of light emitted by the device in any given direction, and not to the color of the light from a small area of the lens. It does not apply to pilot, indicator, or tell-tale lights
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes test procedures, test conditions, environment, and instrumentation for determining the exhaust sound pressure levels of stationary motorcycles. These are based on a comprehensive study of a wide variety of on-highway motorcycles, and therefore are intended to be applied to on-highway motorcycles. For off-highway motorcycles, SAE J1287 continues to be the recommended practice
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the test procedure, environment, and instrumentation for determining the sound levels of motorcycles under full throttle acceleration and closed throttle deceleration
Included herein are the detailed general and dimensional specifications applicable to hi-head finished hex bolts. All general specifications and dimensions not shown shall conform to those applicable to finished hex bolts in Table 4 of SAE J104. Hi-head finished hex bolts arc primarily intended for use in the heavy construction and industrial equipment industry. The increase in head height over that of the finished hex bolt assures good wrenchability where frequent servicing is necessary, where high torquing is a requirement, or where wear on the bolt head is a problem
This SAE Information Report establishes a point system that encourages ease of maintenance actions on off-road machines. The point system minimizes subjectivity in evaluating maintainability as defined in ISO 8927
This SAE Recommended Practice identifies and defines the specifications most commonly used to describe high-speed steel track and articulated rubber-tired clam bunk skidders. The illustrations used are not intended to be descriptive of any existing machine or dictate a combination needed for a particular logging situation. The dimensions indicated are basic and may be supplemented by the individual machine manufacturer
The demonstrated architectural model and associated graphical techniques defined herein were developed to provide a simple method of visualizing the general functional operation or behavior of a Distributed Embedded System with a strong emphasis on representing system time characteristics
This SAE Standard provides test procedures, performance requirements, and guidelines for semiautomatic headlamp beam switching devices
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers requirements for a self-propelled, boom-type aerial device, equipped with an aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluid spraying system. The unit shall be highly maneuverable for deicing all exterior surfaces of commercial aircraft, of sizes agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer, in accordance with AS6285. The vehicle shall be suitable for day and night operations
This SAE Standard establishes terminology and the content of commercial literature specifications for self-propelled crawler and wheeled material handlers, pedestal mounted material handlers and their equipment as defined in 3.1. Illustrations used here are not intended to include all existing commercial machines or to be exactly descriptive of any particular machine. They have been provided to describe the principles to be used in applying this document. (Material handlers share many design characteristics with hydraulic excavators and log loaders; primarily 360 degree continuous rotation of the upperstructure relative to the undercarriage or mounting. They differ in their operating application. Material handlers are used for the handling of scrap material and normally utilize grapples or magnets. Hydraulic excavators are used for the excavation of earth, gravel and other loose material utilizing a bucket. Log loaders are used for the handling of logs and trees and normally utilize
The purpose of this SAE Recommended Practice is to review factors that influence the behavior of elastomers under conditions of dynamic stress and to provide guidance concerning laboratory procedures for determining the fatigue characteristics of elastomeric materials and fabricated elastomeric components
This Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) describes methods of vacuum bagging, a process used to apply pressure in adhesive bonding and heat curing of thermosetting composite materials and metalbond for commercial aircraft parts. If this document is used for the vacuum bagging of other than thermosetting composite materials and metalbond, the fitness for this purpose must be determined by the user. The methods shall only be used when specified in an approved Repair Document or with the agreement of the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) includes general information about the various types and styles of flexible tanks and the tank-mounted fittings that adapt the tank to the surrounding structure and fluid-system plumbing. Recommendations are given relative to the dimensional layout of the tank when these recommendations serve to avoid tank fabrication problems and tank/structure interface problems. As a part of these recommendations, critical dimensions of plumbing adapter fittings are discussed and recommendations made. Tank manufacturing tolerances are given. Recommendations are made relative to cavity design and preparation to facilitate a reliable installation. The special installation requirements of nonself-sealing, self-sealing, and crash-resistant tanks are discussed. This document is not intended to replace the information or requirements of the military and commercial procurement specifications listed in Section 2. No attempt has been made, except in a very general
This recommended practice covers an instrument which measures and displays angle of deviation of the airstream dependent on mounting location on the aircraft
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) describes equivalent types of equipment that can perform fire tests in accordance with requirements of AS 1055
IEEE-1394b, Interface Requirements for Military and Aerospace Vehicle Applications, establishes the requirements for the use of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 as a data bus network in military and aerospace vehicles. The portion of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 standard used by AS5643 is referred to as IEEE-1394 Beta (formerly referred to as IEEE-1394b.) It defines the concept of operations and information flow on the network. As discussed in 1.4, this specification contains extensions/restrictions to “off-the-shelf” IEEE-1394 standards and assumes the reader already has a working knowledge of IEEE-1394. This document is referred to as the “base” specification, containing the generic requirements that specify data bus characteristics, data formats, and node operation. It is important to note that this specification is not designed to be stand-alone; several requirements leave the details to the implementations and delegate the actual implementation to be specified by the network architect/integrator for a
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) describes cleaning methods for four cleanliness levels of polytetrafluoroethylene hose assemblies and rigid tube assemblies for use in aerospace systems
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