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This SAE Aerospace Design Standard defines a coupling, which is installed in a high pressure (1850 to 2000 psig) oxygen system of a civil transport aircraft for the purpose of mating to ground oxygen replenishment facilities. Dimensions developed from AND10089, Detail Specification Sheet for Fitting End, Design Standard, For Cone Connection.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) provides technical and application information needed by the designers of aircraft electric systems and support equipment for the selection of overcurrent protective devices. It provides definitions to permit comparisons of various electric circuit protective devices. Included also are recommended procedures for periodic visual and mechanical inspection criteria.
AE-7P Protective and Control Devices
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document provides recommendations concerning the minimum knowledge and analytical skill guidelines for a composite and metal bond repair design engineer. Teaching levels have been assigned to this curriculum to define the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to design appropriate repairs. Minimum hours of instruction have been provided to ensure adequate lecture and laboratory coverage of all subject matter. These minimums may be exceeded, and may include an increase in the total number of training hours and/or increases in the teaching levels.
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
This document covers insulated, flexible air duct assemblies for portable ground support air conditioners and heaters.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document establishes the requirements for screw-on type reattachable couplings for use in low temperature hose assemblies.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) contains methods used to measure the optical performance of airborne binocular Head Up Displays (HUDs). This document covers methods for conformal and non-conformal HUD systems that are intended for use in the cockpit by the pilot or copilot. The focus of this document is on displays that generate the HUD information using a cathode ray tube (CRT), however, the majority of the methods can be applied to other display technologies. These measurement methods are provided for testing to the requirements of AS8055. This document does not address measurement methods for sensor imaging systems, or displays worn by the pilot (goggles, helmet mounted displays).
A-4HUD Head-up Display Subcommittee
This specification covers the general requirements that are common to most hydraulic components (see 6.2), used in aeronautical hydraulic systems (see 6.1).
A-6A2 Military Aircraft Committee
This AIR points out that above a frequency called the “transition frequency,” variances associated with the shielding effectiveness measurements can become large. It includes the derivations to demonstrate this. This fact should be taken into account when designing shielding for use above the transition frequency.
AE-4 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) defines and establishes a standard presentation of data for gas turbine propulsion engine starter characteristics in graphs and curves. The data presentation applies to both pneumatic and hydraulic energy source starting systems.
AE-6 Starting Systems and Auxiliary Power Committee
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This aerospace standard (AS) defines the requirements of portable protective breathing equipment for use during smoke/fire conditions on board an aircraft.
A-10 Aircraft Oxygen Equipment Committee
This recommended practice describes the materials and procedures for cleaning aluminum alloy detail parts and low-alloy steel parts (other than corrosion resistant steel) prior to structural adhesive bonding operations.
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This AS defines components in "Capacitance Sensor" and "Non-Capacitance Sensor" type Fuel and Oil Quantity Indicating Systems. "Non-Capacitance" systems may employ any measurement technique current in the art including, but not restricted to, float, ultra-sonic and fiber optic devices. The definition of the individual components contained herein is related to the specified Total Installed System accuracy of the entire Fuel or Oil Quantity Indicating System which is a part of the airframe manufacturer's type certification approval data. This data shall be available from the subject airframe manufacturer as published in the operating manual for the aircraft type, model number and configuration. The Fuel or Oil Quantity Indicating System may incorporate optimum compensation based upon measurement of dielectric constant, temperature or density to correct for variations in fuel or oil characteristics due to temperature grade variations or additives. Examples of the type of components
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This Aeronautical Standard covers four (4) basic types of direct indicating instruments as follows: TYPE I - Range 0-2000 feet per minute climb and descent TYPE II - Range 0-3000 feet per minute climb and descent TYPE III - Range 0-4000 feet per minute climb and descent TYPE IV - Range 0-6000 feet per minute climb and descent
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
This Aerospace Standard covers two basic types of temperature instruments as follows: TYPE I: Ratiometer type, actuated by changes in electrical resistance of a temperature sensing electrical resistance element; the resistance changes being obtained by temperature changes of the temperature sensing resistance element. TYPE II: Millivoltmeter type, operated and actuated by varying E.M.F. output of a thermocouple; the varying E.M.F. input to the instrument being obtained by temperature changes of the temperature sensing thermocouple.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
The starters covered by this specification shall be designed to operate on compressed air from ground support equipment, engine interbleed or on board air supply, for the purpose of starting aircraft jet engines.
AE-6 Starting Systems and Auxiliary Power Committee
The purpose of this standard is to provide a method of evaluating helicopter fuel economy which accounts for the significant technical variables in helicopter and powerplant design.
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
This Standard covers the following basic types of fire detection instruments, or combinations thereof, intended for use in protecting aircraft powerplant installation, auxiliary powerplants, combustion heaters and other installations where fuel, oil or similar fires may occur.
A-4AS8036 Update Working Group
This specification establishes the requirements for a probe type self-sealing, self-aligning, non-locking coupling intended for aerospace hydraulic and cooling systems.
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
The thermocouple design recommended herein is presented as one for which the correction to the observed emf, because of thermal conduction along the stem and wires, is within the limits presented in the accompanying figure. On referring to the figure, it is seen that no restriction is placed upon the diameter of the thermocouple or stem, and the longitudinal dimensions are expressed in terms of wire and stem diameters. The type of stem, such as packed ceramic stock, refractory insulating tubing, etc., also is left open to choice. Thus the sizes of wires and supporting stems may be varied over wide ranges to match particular requirements where conduction errors are to be limited or controlled.
E-32 Aerospace Propulsion Systems Health Management
The requirements contained herein are intended for those standards that are promulgated by national standards organizations and used in the aerospace industry. These technical data include narrative text, tables and various graphic data which comprise the standards. Both interface control and interface definitions are covered in this specification. The internal architectures of the computer facilities of either the providers or the users are not constrained by this interchange specification. Rather, neutral formats and transmitting media are defined in order to enable more cost-effective ways to distribute information for computer users than by sending printed documents. This method for digital delivery of aerospace standards is intended to allow the users to display and maintain standards on current computer systems in addition to producing hard copy comparable to existing printed standards.
Aerospace Council
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) recommends a methodology to be used for the design, analysis and test evaluation of modern helicopter gas turbine propulsion system stability and transient response characteristics. This methodology utilizes the computational power of modern digital computers to more thoroughly analyze, simulate and bench-test the helicopter engine/rotor system speed control loop over the flight envelope. This up-front work results in significantly less effort expended during flight test and delivers a more effective system into service. The methodology presented herein is recommended for modern digital electronic propulsion control systems and also for traditional analog and hydromechanical systems.
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
A review of droplet sizing instruments used for icing research is presented. These instruments include the Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probe, the Optical Array Probe, the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer, the Malvern Particle Size Analyzer, the oil slide technique, and the rotating multicylinder. The report focuses on the theory of operation of these instruments and practical considerations when using them in icing facilities.
AC-9C Aircraft Icing Technology Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) defines the power spectrum during normal and emergency operations of a twin engine helicopter and thereby postulates suitable power plant rating structures. This document does not address the power requirements for single engine helicopters or those with more than two engines.
S-12 Powered Lift Propulsion Committee
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