The purpose of this Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is to provide the sample selection and endurance time test procedures for SAE Type II, III, and IV aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluids, required for the generation of endurance time data of acceptable quality for review by the SAE G-12 Holdover Time Committee. The related standard ARP5718 provides the process by which endurance time data is converted to holdover times for publication by regulators and subsequent use by aircraft operators
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) outlines the functional and design requirements for a b self-propelled belt conveyor for handling baggage and cargo at aircraft bulk cargo holds. Additional considerations and requirements may legally apply in other countries. As an example, for operation in Europe (E.U. and E.F.T.A.), the applicable EN standards shall be complied with
IEEE-1394b, Interface Requirements for Military and Aerospace Vehicle Applications, establishes the requirements for the use of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 as a data bus network in military and aerospace vehicles. The portion of IEEE Std 1394™-2008 standard used by AS5643 is referred to as IEEE-1394 Beta (formerly referred to as IEEE-1394b.) It defines the concept of operations and information flow on the network. As discussed in 1.4, this specification contains extensions/restrictions to “off-the-shelf” IEEE-1394 standards and assumes the reader already has a working knowledge of IEEE-1394. This document is referred to as the “base” specification, containing the generic requirements that specify data bus characteristics, data formats, and node operation. It is important to note that this specification is not designed to be stand-alone; several requirements leave the details to the implementations and delegate the actual implementation to be specified by the network architect/integrator for a
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) covers requirements for a self-propelled, boom-type aerial device, equipped with an aircraft deicing/anti-icing fluid spraying system. The unit shall be highly maneuverable for deicing all exterior surfaces of commercial aircraft, of sizes agreed upon between purchaser and manufacturer, in accordance with AS6285. The vehicle shall be suitable for day and night operations
This Aerospace Standard covers two basic types of temperature instruments as follows: TYPE I: Ratiometer type, actuated by changes in electrical resistance of a temperature sensing electrical resistance element; the resistance changes being obtained by temperature changes of the temperature sensing resistance element. TYPE II: Millivoltmeter type, operated and actuated by varying E.M.F. output of a thermocouple; the varying E.M.F. input to the instrument being obtained by temperature changes of the temperature sensing thermocouple
This SAE Standard provides test procedures, performance requirements and guidelines for auxiliary high beam lamps
This Aerospace Information Report (AIR) is presented in two parts. The first part is simply a summarization of design factors that must be considered in establishing vehicle specifications and design characteristics. The second part refers particularly to the performance characteristics of an aircraft tow tractor. Some definitions, formulas, data, and an example are provided mainly for assisting the specifying engineers of potential buyers and users of aircraft tow tractors in the evaluation and comparison of their requirements with the performance capabilities of the various tow tractors offered by the tow tractor manufacturers. Although the design engineers could also use the formulas and data in their calculations of the performance specifications of aircraft tow tractors, this AIR is not intended to provide the methods and all data necessary for detailed calculations and design of an aircraft tow tractor
This document defines the minimum performance standards for personnel parachute assemblies to be carried in aircraft or worn by passengers, crew, or parachutists for emergency use. This document covers three types of personnel carrying parachute assemblies and the operating limitations for each
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) recommends performance requirements for test equipment used in dynamic testing of aviation oxygen breathing equipment. This document describes test equipment and methods used for testing continuous flow, demand and pressure demand regulators and their associated masks as well as filtered protective breathing devices; such articles of oxygen breathing or protective breathing equipment may be tested as individual components or as a complete system
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) establishes the method for qualification testing of tube joints and fitting attachments, using the flexure test method described in ARP1185. This qualification test method allows the determination of S-N type stress versus cycles or D-N type deflection versus cycles curves, as illustrated in ARP1418 as an alternate to flexture testing to a minimum endurance stress level
This SAE Standard defines the basic structural elements, and guidance on compilation and management, for a software supportability program. Software supportability considerations include initial design influence and through-life support embracing the operational use, post-delivery modification, and logistics management of software. This document requires that the processes of design, development, selection, and production of software include software supportability considerations, as relevant to particular project needs
This standard covers oronasal type masks which use a continuous flow oxygen supply. Each such mask comprises a facepiece with valves as required, a mask suspension device, a reservoir, or rebreather bag (when used), a length of tubing for connection to the oxygen supply source, and a means for allowing the crew to determine if oxygen is being delivered to the mask. The assembly shall be capable of being stowed suitably to meet the requirements of its intended use
The study shall be directed to commercial aircraft service and include engine experience in both fixed wing aircraft and helicopters covering the time period from 1962 to the present
This document provides methods and techniques for implementing a reliability program throughout the full life cycle of a software product, whether the product is considered as standalone or part of a system. This document is the companion to the Software Reliability Program Standard [JA1002]. The Standard describes the requirements of a software reliability program to define, meet, and demonstrate assurance of software product reliability using a Plan-Case framework and implemented within the context of a system application. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment whose functionality is to some degree implemented by software components. It is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a value-added basis for the business aspects of development, use, and sustainment of software whose reliability is an important performance parameter. Applicability of specific practices will
This SAE Recommended Practice provides a framework for the establishment of a software support concept related to the support and supportability of both custom-developed and Off-the-Shelf (OTS) software. This document complements SAE AIR 5121, JA1004, and JA1005 by providing information needed to understand the support aspects that should be covered by a software supportability program. It should be noted that particular information indicated here should not be considered a complete list of all aspects of the support concept. In particular, the information should not be confused with a list of data elements. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment that contain software. The target audience for this document includes software acquisition organizations, software logisticians, developers, supporters, and customers. This document is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a
This SAE Recommended Practice provides recommended guidelines and best practices for implementing a supportability program to ensure that software is supportable throughout its life cycle. This Implementation Guide is the companion to the Software Supportability Program Standard, SAE JA1004, that describes, within a Plan-Case framework, what software supportability performance requirements are necessary. This document has general applicability to all sectors of industry and commerce and to all types of equipment whose functionality is to some degree implemented via software. It is intended to be guidance for business purposes and should be applied when it provides a value-added basis for the business aspects of development, use, and sustainment of support-critical software. Applicability of specific recommended practices will depend on the support-significance of the software, application domain, and life cycle stage of the software
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