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Search Tips:

Please note: All terms not contained within quotes, will be evaluated using the OR operator. This means that your search results will contain all results that contain ANY of the entered terms.

For additional Search Tips, please visit our Help Portal at Search Tips

Search Operators:


SAE MOBILUS supports the use of the AND, OR and NOT BOOLEAN operators ONLY function with the Advanced Search capabilities of SAE MOBILUS.

  • AND: the results will contain all terms joined by AND. For example, volvo AND safety, would return results that contain both the words volvo AND safety.
  • OR: the results will contain either term(s) joined by OR. For example, volvo OR safety, would return results that contain the terms volvo OR safety . This would increase the results returned when compared to using the AND operator.
  • NOT: The results will not contain the term(s). For example, volvo NOT safety would return all results that contain the word volvo, and do NOT contain the word safety.

Wild Cards

Using the asterisk, ( * ) allows you to search for a partial word. For example, entering a keyword search of aero* will search for any word beginning with aero. The results would include such words as aerospace, aerodynamics, etc.

Using the question mark, ( ? ) allows you to search for a word with a single character wildcard. For example, searching for t?re would match both tire and tyre

Using Quotes

Words in double quotes " " are treated as a phrase. Conducting a search for "heat model" will return all results in which the exact phrase "heat model" is found, while "heat modeling" would NOT be included. Using double quotes can help to target your search and reduce your results.

A term combined with a phrase will be joined with an OR operator. Therefore, a search for automatic "dog clutch" will return results for automatic OR "dog clutch" which would increase the total number of results.

Phrases in quotes will be evaluated with the following rules:

  • search is case insensitive: "Dog Clutch" is not the same as "dog clutch"
  • extra spaces between words will be ignored: "dog clutch" is the same as "dog    clutch"
  • words are diacritic insensitive: café is equivalent to cafe and vice versa
  • wildcards within quotes do not work
  • search terms do not expand: model will not be expanded to search for modeling.

Words that are not in quotes will be evaluated with the following rules:

  • search term expanding: model will be expanded to include model, modeling, models and vice versa
  • search is case insensitive
  • extra spaces between words will be ignored
  • words are diacritic insensitive: café is equivalent to cafe and vice versa