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This SAE Standard was developed to provide a method for indicating the direction of engine rotation and numbering of engine cylinders. The document is intended for use in designing new engines to eliminate the differences which presently exist in industry.
Engine Power Test Code Committee
This specification covers an aircraft-quality, low-alloy steel in the form of sheet, strip, and plate.
AMS E Carbon and Low Alloy Steels Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice covers the design and application of a 120 VAC single phase engine based auxiliary power unit or GENSET. This document is intended to provide design direction for the single phase nominal 120 VAC as it interfaces within the truck 12 VDC battery and electrical architecture providing power to truck sleeper cab hotel loads so that they may operate with the main propulsion engine turned off.
Truck and Bus Electrical Systems Committee
This document contains information and guidance necessary for the development of a representative, repeatable validation program that may be utilized to assess the capability of SHM systems. The nature of SHM data differs from that seen in traditional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) applications in that the position of SHM sensors is fixed and SHM data can be available much more frequently (if not continuously) over time. This document presents methodologies that can be used to arrive at SHM capability while considering the unique nature of SHM deployment. Each SHM system must be considered independently to determine the applicability and limitations of the guidance contained here for each SHM system being assessed.
Aerospace Industry Steering Committee on Structural Health
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