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This SAE Recommended Practice establishes recommended procedures for the issuance, assignment, and structure of Identification Numbers on a uniform basis by states or provinces for use in an Assigned Identification Number (AIN).
VIN - WMI Technical Committee
This document contains information and guidance necessary for the development of a representative, repeatable validation program that may be utilized to assess the capability of SHM systems. The nature of SHM data differs from that seen in traditional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) applications in that the position of SHM sensors is fixed and SHM data can be available much more frequently (if not continuously) over time. This document presents methodologies that can be used to arrive at SHM capability while considering the unique nature of SHM deployment. Each SHM system must be considered independently to determine the applicability and limitations of the guidance contained here for each SHM system being assessed.
Aerospace Industry Steering Committee on Structural Health
This specification covers high-purity not less than (99.95%) silica in the form of woven cloth.
AMS P17 Polymer Matrix Composites Committee
This specification covers expanded honeycomb core made of glass cloth impregnated with polyimide resin and supplied in the form of blocks, slices, and ordered shapes.
AMS P17 Polymer Matrix Composites Committee
This specification covers an aluminum bronze alloy in the form of centrifugal and continuous-cast castings.
AMS D Nonferrous Alloys Committee
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