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This SAE Recommended Practice establishes recommended procedures for the issuance, assignment, and structure of Identification Numbers on a uniform basis by states or provinces for use in an Assigned Identification Number (AIN).
VIN - WMI Technical Committee
This document contains information and guidance necessary for the development of a representative, repeatable validation program that may be utilized to assess the capability of SHM systems. The nature of SHM data differs from that seen in traditional nondestructive evaluation (NDE) applications in that the position of SHM sensors is fixed and SHM data can be available much more frequently (if not continuously) over time. This document presents methodologies that can be used to arrive at SHM capability while considering the unique nature of SHM deployment. Each SHM system must be considered independently to determine the applicability and limitations of the guidance contained here for each SHM system being assessed.
Aerospace Industry Steering Committee on Structural Health
Seat furnishings are installed around seats and are intended to enhance passenger privacy and comfort. They may have provisions for additional occupants to be seated when the aircraft is in-flight, but would not be occupied during taxi, take-off, and landing (TTL). This Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes the minimum design, performance and qualification requirements for seat furnishings with and without upper attachments (see Figures 1 and 2) to be installed in large transport category airplanes. This standard excludes seat furnishing designs that are directly attached to the seat assembly, for which AS8049 is the applicable standard. Integrated items (desk tops, cabinets, shelves, stowage areas, closeouts, dividers, etc.) connected to seat furnishings shall comply with the requirements of this AS as part of the seat furnishings.
Aircraft Seat Committee
G-3, Aerospace Couplings, Fittings, Hose, Tubing Assemblies
This document covers red and white anticollision lights using flashtubes as the light source.
A-20B Exterior Lighting Committee
To establish the acceptance criteria for discontinuities as revealed by magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination of aircraft utility parts as in 1.2.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) addresses the general requirements for data recording procedures, packaging, and storing of elastomeric seals and seal assemblies which include an elastomeric element prior to the seal being assembled into hardware components. It applies specifically to those elastomeric seals and seal assemblies packaged shortly after manufacture. The storage period prior to installation of the elastomeric seals and seal assemblies into hardware components is commonly referred to as shelf life. The information contained in this ARP is intended to be utilized by those organizations who do not have specific requirements or recommendations already in place for the control of elastomeric seals and seal assemblies. This ARP can be specified in control, storage, and procurement documents. However, when the requirements of this document are in conflict with the customer's requirements or specifications, the requirements of the customer's detailed specification
A-6C2 Seals Committee
This specification covers a direct reading, remote control, pneumatic pressure inflator assembly, for use on aircraft tires and struts having pneumatic pressure requirements up to 600 psi. It includes pressure relief provisions to provide for safe inflation. Also included are dual chuck stem gages for measuring tire pressure.
A-5 Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Committee
This specification covers metric bolts and screws made from a corrosion and heat resistant, nickel-base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS N07001. The following specification designations and their properties are covered: MA3378 1210 MPa minimum ultimate tensile strength at room temperature 520 MPa stress-rupture strength at 730 °C MA3378-1 1210 MPa minimum ultimate tensile strength at room temperature 726 MPa minimum ultimate shear strength at room temperature
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
ARP5061A provides guidelines for optical performance testing of short haul fiber optic inter-connection systems used in aerospace vehicles. The focus of this document is to introduce the proper testing tools and establish common pre- and post-installation test methods and troubleshooting methodologies.
AS-3 Fiber Optics and Applied Photonics Committee
This document describes the major design drivers and considerations when designing a fuel system for a large commercial aircraft. It discusses the design at a system/aircraft level, and is not intended as a design manual for individual system components, though it does refer out to other SAE specifications where more detail on specific components and sub-systems is given. It does include examples of a number of calculations associated with sizing of fuel systems, based on those given in NAV-AIR-06-5-504, as well as an appendix summarizing basic fluid mechanical equations which are key for fuel system design. It is acknowledged that most of these calculations would today be performed by modelling tools, rather than by hand, but it is considered important for the designer to understand the principles. It is intended that later issues of this document will include appendices which give specific considerations for military aircraft, smaller commercial aircraft, and rotorcraft.
AE-5A Aerospace Fuel, Inerting and Lubrication Sys Committee
This ARP discusses common rod end locking devices with recommended applications and some of the advantages and disadvantages of specific configurations. An appendix is included with factors to be considered for selection of positive locking devices and a discussion of safetying devices for rod end assemblies.
ACBG Plain Bearing Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommend Practice (ARP) is intended to identify both safety related best practices and unique design considerations of metal halides High Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps and power supplies in aircraft applications.
A-20B Exterior Lighting Committee
Individuals who complete the applicable modules aligned with this training document will be able to define the type of damage, define the extent of damage, determine if further inspection is required, evaluate the damage against published allowable damage limits, and provide accurate documentation of the damage. The intended outcome of the training is increased safety such that no aircraft is released with unknown damage and that the aircraft meets continued airworthiness requirements. The goal is to change the culture from damage discovery to damage reporting while also reducing or eliminating flight delays due to incorrect or insufficient information. Teaching levels have been assigned to the curriculum to define the knowledge, skills, and abilities graduates will need. Minimum hours of instruction have been provided to ensure adequate coverage of all subject matter including lecture and practical exercise. These minimums may be exceeded and may include an increase in the total
AMS CACRC Commercial Aircraft Composite Repair Committee
The purpose of this SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) is to recommend general design and performance characteristics for hand-held portable, emergency lighting systems (note: the portable portion of this system that contains the lamp and reflector will be identified throughout the remainder of this document simply as a “flashlight”) intended for use by crew members of commercial aircraft during any emergency situation, within or outside of the aircraft cabin, where emergency lighting is required.
A-20C Interior Lighting
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) describes taps, thread plug gages, inserting tools, expanding tools, offset and staking tools, tang break-off tools, extracting tools and thread repair kits.
EG-1B Hand Tools Committee
This standard describes test methods for insulated, single conductor, electric wire intended for aerospace applications. Particular requirements for the wire being tested need to be specified in a procurement document or other detail specification. Suggested minimum requirements are included in the notes at the end of some of the test methods. SAE Performance Standard AS4372 uses some of the tests in this document for evaluating comparative performance of aerospace wires.
AE-8D Wire and Cable Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) defines an external thread with a rounded root radius based on a minimum root radius of .108 × Pitch.
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
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