The procedures and guidelines detailed in this SAE Information Report provide various techniques and processes to properly clean fluid power piping prior to assembly and operation.
This specification and its supplementary detail specifications cover organic fibers in the form of cloth impregnated with epoxy resin, the resin to be supplied in a "B" stage condition.
This document establishes the requirements for technical content and format of hydraulic system diagrams. This document does not establish configuration requirements, material, or performance requirements for any system or component identified herein.
This standard includes ISO 9001:20152 quality management system requirements and specifies additional aviation, space, and defense industry requirements, definitions, and notes. It is emphasized that the requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. If there is a conflict between the requirements of this standard and customer or applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence. This International Standard specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: a needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and b aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory
This specification covers honeycomb core made of polyamide paper sheets in a non-hexagonal, flexible cell configuration and supplied in the form of blocks, slices, and ordered shapes.
This specification covers a thermally stable aramid fabric in the form of cloth.
This specification covers a mold release agent in the form of a liquid.
This specification covers butadiene acrylonitrile (NBR) rubber in the form of molded rings.
This specification and its supplementary detail specifications cover corrosion-inhibiting, modified epoxy primers in the form of ready-to-use sprayable liquids.
This specification establishes the acceptance criteria and inspection requirements for adhesive-bonded sandwich structures including the metal-to-metal bonding found in these structures, but usage is not limited to such applications and each application should be considered individually.
This specification covers a foaming-type, heat-curing, resin-base adhesive in the form of paste or sheet.
This SAE Recommended Practice defines the test conditions, procedures, and performance requirements for 6, 12, and 24 V Door Courtesy Switches which are intended for use in motor vehicles.
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of extruded bars, rods, wire, profiles, and tubing produced with cross-sectional area of 32 square inches (206 cm2), maximum (see 8.6).
This specification covers a corrosion- and heat-resistant cobalt alloy in the form of strip up to 0.100-inch (2.54-mm) thick.
This specification covers a corrosion- and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, and flash-welded rings 4.00 inches (101.6 mm) and under in diameter or least nominal cross-sectional dimension and stock of any size for forging or flash-welded rings.
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of rolled or cold-finished bars, rods, and wire and of flash-welded rings conforming to the dimensions listed in Table 2 (see 8.6).
This specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of extruded bars, rods, wire, profiles, and tubing produced with cross-sectional area of 32 square inches (206 cm2) maximum (see 8.6).
This document contains minimum operational performance specification (MOPS) of active on-board INFLIGHT ICING DETECTION SYSTEMS (FIDS). This MOPS specifies FIDS operational performance which is the minimum necessary to satisfy regulatory requirements for the design and manufacture of the equipment to a minimum standard and guidance towards acceptable means of compliance when installed on an AIRCRAFT. Detection of ICE accreted on the AIRCRAFT during ground operations is not considered in this document. This MOPS was written for the use of FIDS on AIRCRAFT as defined in 1.3 and 2.3. Expected minimum performance specifications for FIDS and their functions are provided in Section 3. The minimum performance requirements as defined in Section 3 do not consider SYSTEM performance as installed on the AIRCRAFT. Performance in excess of the minimum performance may be required by the SYSTEM installed on an AIRCRAFT in order to meet regulatory or operational requirements. This topic is considered
This specification establishes the requirements for a high visibility, durable, exterior fluorescent coating system consisting of a pigmented fluorescent coating with a clear protective overcoat containing a weathering stabilizer. This coating system is capable of being removed without softening the permanent undercoats.
The information in this SAE Recommended Practice has been compiled by Technical Committee 1 (Engine Lubrication) of the SAE Fuels and Lubricants Division. The intent is to provide those concerned with the design and maintenance of two-stroke-cycle engines with a better understanding of the properties of two-stroke-cycle lubricants. Reference is also made to test procedures which may be used to measure the chemical and physical characteristics of these lubricants.
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to off-road, self-propelled work machine categories of earthmoving, forestry, road building and maintenance, and specialized mining machinery as defined in SAE J1116.,
This SAE Standard provides testing and functional requirements to meet specified minimum performance criteria for electronic probe-type leak detectors. The equipment specified here will identify smaller refrigerant leaks when servicing motor vehicle air conditioning systems, including those engineered with improved sealing and smaller refrigerant charges to address environmental concerns and increase system efficiency. This document does not address any safety issues concerning the equipment design or use beyond that of sampling a flammable refrigerant, save those described in 3.1 and 3.2 of this document. All requirements of this standard shall be verified in SAE J2911.
This SAE Recommended Practice applies to technical publications which present instructions for the proper unloading, set-up, installations, pre-delivery inspection, operation, and servicing of off-road self-propelled work machines as categorized in SAE J1116. Advertising/marketing and other pre-purchase publications are not included.
This specification covers a corrosion- and heat-resistant nickel alloy in the form of bars, forgings, and flash-welded rings up to 4.00 inches (101.6 mm), exclusive, in least distance between parallel sides (thickness) or diameter, and stock of any size for forging or flash-welded rings.
The figures in this SAE Information Report illustrate the principle that, regardless of composition, steels of the same cross-sectional hardness produced by tempering after through hardening will have approximately the same longitudinal1 tensile strength at room temperature. Figure 1 shows the relation between hardness and longitudinal tensile strength of 0.30 to 0.50% carbon steels in the fully hardened and tempered, as rolled, normalized, and annealed conditions. Figure 2 showing the relation between longitudinal tensile strength and yield strength, and Figure 3 illustrating longitudinal tensile strength versus reduction of area, are typical of steels in the quenched and tempered condition. Figure 3 shows the direct relationship between ductility and hardness and illustrates the fact that the reduction of area decreases as hardness increases, and that, for a given hardness, the reduction of area is generally higher for alloy steels than for plain carbon steels. It is evident from
This SAE Standard provides test procedures, requirements, and guidelines for stop lamps intended for use on vehicles of less than, equal to, or greater than 2032 mm in overall width.
This SAE Standard applies to refrigerant identification equipment to be used for identifying refrigerant CFC-12 (R-12) and HFC-134a (R-134a) refrigerant when servicing a mobile A/C system or for identifying refrigerant in a container to be used to charge a mobile A/C system. Identification or other refrigerants are the option of the equipment manufacturer.
This SAE Standard provides test procedures, requirements, and guidelines for sidemarker lamps for vehicles less than 2032 mm in overall width.
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