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This User Guide describes the content of the Rhapsody version of the UCS Architectural Model and how to use this model within the Rhapsody modeling tool environment. The purpose of the Rhapsody version of the UCS Architectural Interface Control Document (ICD) model is to provide a model for Rhapsody users, derived from the Enterprise Architect (EA) model (AIR6515). The AIR6515 EA Model, and by derivation, the AIR6517 Rhapsody Model, have been validated to contain the same content as the AS6518 model for: all UCS ICD interfaces all UCS ICD messages all UCS ICD data directly or indirectly referenced by ICD messages and interfaces the Domain Participant, Information, Service and Non-Functional Properties Models
AS-4UCS Unmanned Systems Control Segment Architecture
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a uniform, powered vehicle test procedure and minimum performance requirement for lane departure warning systems used in highway trucks and buses greater than 4546 kg (10000 pounds) gross vehicle weight (GVW). Systems similar in function but different in scope and complexity, including lane keeping/lane assist and merge assist, are not included in this document. This document does not apply to trailers, dollies, etc. This document does not intend to exclude any particular system or sensor technology. This document will test the functionality of the lane departure warning system (LDWS) (e.g., ability to detect lane presence and ability to detect an unintended lane departure), its ability to indicate LDWS engagement, its ability to indicate LDWS disengagement, and its ability to determine the point at which the LDWS notifies the human machine interface (HMI) or vehicle control system that a lane departure event is detected. Moreover, this
Truck and Bus Automation Safety Committee
This SAE Standard provides requirements to support applications for the maneuver sharing and coordinating service (MSCS) beyond broadcast of basic safety messages (BSMs). This is to improve road safety and traffic efficiency by sharing and coordinating vehicle maneuvers via vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications. This document lays out use case scenarios and defines vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) application protocols, system requirements and message sets for MSCS. The defined message sets for MSCS will result in identifying new message types, data frames, and data elements for SAE J2735.
V2X Vehicular Applications Technical Committee
This document specifies the minimum recommendations for Blind Spot Monitoring System (BSMS) operational characteristics and elements of the user interface. A visual BSMS indicator is recommended. BSMS detects and conveys to the driver via a visual indicator the presence of a target (e.g., a vehicle), adjacent to the subject vehicle in the “traditional” Adjacent Blind Spot Zone (ABSZ). The BSMS is not intended to replace the need for interior and exterior rear-view mirrors or to reduce mirror size. BSMS is only intended as a supplement to these mirrors and will not take any automatic vehicle control action to prevent possible collisions. While the BSMS will assist drivers in detecting the presence of vehicles in their ABSZ, the absence of a visual indicator will not guarantee that the driver can safely make a lane change maneuver (e.g., vehicles may be approaching rapidly outside the ABSZ area). This document applies to original equipment and aftermarket BSMS systems for passenger
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Committee
This SAE Information Report develops a concept of operations (ConOps) to evaluate a cooperative driving automation (CDA) Feature for occluded pedestrian collision avoidance using perception status sharing. It provides a test procedure to evaluate this CDA Feature, which is suitable for proof-of-concept testing in both virtual and test track settings.
Cooperative Driving Automation(CDA) Committee
Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is an enhancement of conventional cruise control systems that allows the ACC-equipped vehicle to follow a forward vehicle at a pre-selected time gap, up to a driver selected speed, by controlling the engine, power train, and/or service brakes. This SAE Standard focuses on specifying the minimum requirements for ACC system operating characteristics and elements of the user interface. This document applies to original equipment and aftermarket ACC systems for passenger vehicles (including motorcycles). This document does not apply to heavy vehicles (GVWR > 10,000 lbs. or 4,536 kg). Furthermore, this document does not address other variations on ACC, such as “stop & go” ACC, that can bring the equipped vehicle to a stop and reaccelerate. Future revisions of this document should consider enhanced versions of ACC, as well as the integration of ACC with Forward Vehicle Collision Warning Systems (FVCWS).
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Committee
This recommended practice is applicable to reciprocating engines powering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) having rated power values less than 22.4 kW, and which are not to be used for human transport.
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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on in-flight thrust determination of engines that are impacted by intentional or unintentional thrust vectoring. However, as indicated in the Foreword, the field of aircraft thrust vectoring is varied and complex. For simplicity and coherence of purpose, this document will be limited in scope to multi-axis thrust vectoring nozzles or vanes attached to the rear of the engine or airfame; single-axis thrust vectoring and unintentional thrust vectoring (fixed shelf or deck configuration) are special cases of this discussion. Specifically excluded from this scope are thrust vectoring created primarily by airframe components such as wing flaps, etc.; lift engines, propulsive fans and thrust augmenting ejectors; and powerplants that rotate or otherwise move with respect to the airframe. Note that thrust reversing, which is also a special case of thrust vectoring (vector angles greater than 90 degrees), is covered by a separate SAE Aerospace
E-33 In Flight Propulsion Measurement Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines a document for the format of messages and data that is of general value to modules on the data communications link. Included are field descriptions, size, scale, internal data representation, and position within a message. This document also describes guidelines for the frequency of and circumstances in which messages are transmitted. In order to promote compatibility among all aspects of electronic data used in heavy-duty applications, it is the intention of the SAE Truck and Bus Low Speed Communications Network Subcommittee (formerly Data Format Subcommittee) (in conjunction with other industry groups) to develop recommended message formats for: a Vehicle and Component Information—This includes all information that pertains to the operation of the vehicle and its components (such as performance, maintenance, and diagnostic data). b Routing and Scheduling Information—Information related to the planned or actual route of the vehicle. It includes
Truck and Bus Control and Communications Network Committee
This document, the JAUS Compliance and Interoperability Policy (ARP6012), recommends an approach to documenting the complete interface of an unmanned system or component in regard to the application of the standard set. While non-SAE AS-4 JAUS documents are referenced in this ARP they are not within the scope of this document and should be viewed as examples only.
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This document provides a high-level ontology and lexicon for describing on-road ADS-operated vehicle behavioral competencies and driving maneuvers that comprise routine/normal performance of the complete DDT, as defined in SAE J3016. It provides definitions of behavior, maneuver, scenario, and scene. This initial high-level lexicon and ontology are developed for ADS driving behaviors, including considerations for hierarchy of behaviors, and relationships among maneuvers, operational design domain (ODD) elements, and object and event detection and response (OEDR). Considerations for describing scenarios using this lexicon and ontology are discussed. This document describes ADS-operated vehicle motion control maneuvers during routine/normal operation. Maneuvers of other road users are not evaluated. This document assumes left-hand drive vehicles and road infrastructure. Applicability to right-hand drive vehicles and roadway infrastructure would require adjustment to such vehicles and
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes a test procedure for the evaluation of lane departure warning (LDW), lane keeping assistance (LKA), and lane centering assistance systems used in passenger vehicles and light trucks. This test procedure does not intend to exclude any particular system or sensing technology. The recommended practice can be used to test the functionality and performance of LDW, LKA, and lane centering assistance systems by assessing their ability to (1) warn (LDW) or control (LKA, lane centering assistance) in response to an unintended lane departure, and (2) the ability to indicate a system disengagement. The human machine interface (HMI) is not addressed herein but is considered in SAE J2808. The recommended practice specifies lane markers to enable lane departure testing, or road edges, to enable testing of road departure mitigation systems. The document is separated into two tiers. Tier One establishes a recommended minimum set of performance criteria for LDW
Active Safety Systems Standards Committee
This document provides a list of data elements and event triggers for recording of event data relevant to crash investigations for heavy vehicles. The list of data elements includes recommended source(s) and formatting.
Truck and Bus Event Data Recorder Committee
This SAE Aerospace Recommended Practice (ARP) sets forth design and operational recommendations concerning the human factors issues and criteria for cockpit display of traffic information systems. The visual and aural characteristics are covered for both the alerting components and traffic depiction/situation components. The display system may contain any one or a combination of these components Although the system functionality assumed for this document exemplifies fixed-wing aircraft implementation, the recommendations do not preclude other aircraft types. The recommendations contained in this document address both near and far term technology directed toward providing in flight traffic awareness, although the present version remains primarily focused on near term applications. Since this document provides recommendations, the guidance is provided in the form of “should” statements as opposed to the “shall” statements that appear in standards and requirements. The assumptions about
G-10EAB Executive Advisory Group
This document defines a set of standard application layer interfaces called JAUS Unmanned Ground Vehicle Services. JAUS Services provide the means for software entities in an unmanned system or system of unmanned systems to communicate and coordinate their activities. The Unmanned Ground Vehicle Services represent the platform-specific capabilities commonly found in UGVs, and augment the Mobilty Service Set [AS6009] which is platform-agnostic. At present ten (10) services are defined in this document. These services are categorized as:
AS-4JAUS Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems Committee
This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) specifies minimum performance standards for Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS) displays that are head-down and intended for use in the flight deck by the flight crew in all 14 CFR Part 23, 25, 27, and 29 aircraft. This document is expected to be used by multiple regulatory agencies as the basic requirement for a technical standard order for EFIS displays. The requirements and recommendations in this document are intended to apply to, but are not limited to, the following types of display functions: Primary Flight and Primary Navigation displays, including vertical situation and horizontal situation functions. Displays that provide flight crew alerts, which may include engine instrument, aircraft systems information/control. Control displays including communication, navigation and system control displays. Information displays, which may include navigation displays used for situation awareness only, supplemental data, and maintenance and
A-4EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System Display
This document is intended for the application of color to cathode-ray-tube (CRT) displays, liquid crystal displays (LCD) and other types of display technologies such as projection displays. Emerging color display technologies other than those noted above, may not be adequately covered by these recommendations. Color recommendations will not address Night Vision Devices (NVD), Head-Up Displays (HUD) or Head or Helmet Mounted Displays (HMD). This document is applicable to aircraft as understood in 14 CFR Parts 23, Part 25, Part 27 and Part 29, and EASA CS-23, CS-25. CS-27 and CS-29 certification standards.
G-10D Color Display Committee
This SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) provides information on the parking brake system design for a variety of aircraft including part 23, 25, 27, and 29. The document includes a discussion of key technical issues with parking brakes. This document does NOT provide recommended practices for parking brake system design.
A-5A Wheels, Brakes and Skid Controls Committee
These recommendations cover the mechanical and electrical installation and installation test procedures for automatic pilots of the type normally used in transport type aircraft. The material in this ARP does not supercede any airworthiness requirement in the Civil Air Regulations.
A-4 Aircraft Instruments Committee
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