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This SAE Standard was developed to provide a method for indicating the direction of engine rotation and numbering of engine cylinders. The document is intended for use in designing new engines to eliminate the differences which presently exist in industry
Engine Power Test Code Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice covers the requirements for ethernet physical layer (PHY) qualification (and as applicable to other high-speed networks [i.e., Audio Bus, LVDS, Ser-Des, etc.]). Requirements stated in this document provide a minimum standard level of performance for the PHY in the IC to which all compatible ethernet communications PHY shall be designed. When the communications chipset is an ethernet switch with an integrated automotive PHY (xBASE-T1), then the testing shall include performance for all switch PHY ports as well as each controller interface. No other features in the IC are tested or qualified as part of this SAE Recommended Practice. This assures robust serial data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier. The goal of SAE J2962-3 is to commonize approval processes of ethernet PHYs across OEMs. The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, ethernet PHY suppliers, component release engineers, and vehicle system engineers
Vehicle Architecture For Data Communications Standards
There is no ISO standard equivalent to this SAE Standard. This SAE Standard identifies and defines the most commonly used terms for piston ring-groove characteristics, specifies dimensioning for groove widths, and demonstrates the methodology for calculation of piston groove root diameter. The requirements of this document apply to pistons and rings of reciprocating internal combustion engines and compressors working under analogous conditions, up to and including 200 mm diameter and 4.5 mm width for compression rings and 8.0 mm width for oil rings. The specifications in this document assume that components are measured at an ambient temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). Tolerances specified in this document represent practical functional limits and do not imply process capabilities
Piston and Ring Standards Committee
To harmonize and define terminology associated with occupant protection for children for vehicle manufacturers and child restraint manufacturers in the United States and Canada
Children's Restraint Systems Committee
This document seeks to classify all-wheel drive (AWD) architectures primarily based on the installed hardware and does not consider the implementation of the controls and software. For example, a power transfer unit (PTU) may be equipped with a clutch that is capable of torque management, but the control implementation only uses it for disconnection functions without torque management. In this SAE Recommended Practice, attention will be given to passenger cars and light trucks (through Class III). The definitions presented herein may also be applicable to heavy trucks (Class 4 through 8) and off-highway applications using more than two axles but are primarily focused on passenger cars and light trucks
Drivetrain Standards Committee
This SAE Standard for reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) is intended for use by any organization that has or makes use of physical assets or systems that it wishes to manage responsibly
G-11M, Maintainability, Supportability and Logistics
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes uniform procedures for testing fuel cell and hybrid fuel cell electric vehicles, excluding low speed vehicles, designed primarily for operation on the public streets, roads and highways. The procedure addresses those vehicles under test using compressed hydrogen gas supplied by an off-board source or stored and supplied as a compressed gas onboard. This practice provides standard tests that will allow for determination of fuel consumption and range based on the US Federal Emission Test Procedures, using the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and the Highway Fuel Economy Driving Schedule (HFEDS). Chassis dynamometer test procedures are specified in this document to eliminate the test-to-test variations inherent with track testing, and to adhere to standard industry practice for fuel consumption and range testing. Communication between vehicle manufacturer and the governing authority is essential when starting official manufacturer in
Fuel Cell Standards Committee
This Technical Governance is part of the SAE UCS Architecture Library and is primarily concerned with the UCS Architecture Model (AS6518) starting at Revision A and its user extensions. Users of the Model may extend it in accordance with AS6513 to meet the needs of their UCS Products. UCS Products include software components, software configurations and systems that provide or consume UCS services. For further information, refer to AS6513 Revision A or later. Technical Governance is part of the UCS Architecture Framework. This framework governs the UCS views expressed as Packages and Diagrams in the UCS Architecture Model
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This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes standard requirements for aerospace sealants and adhesion promoters, which may be incorporated as part of SAE Aerospace Material Specifications (AMS) for such products. This document provides for commonality of methods and procedures for responsibility for inspection, source inspection, classification of tests, establishment of/and qualification to qualified products lists, approval, reports, resampling and retesting, packaging, and marking
AMS G9 Aerospace Sealing Committee
This specification establishes the requirements for self-locking wrenchable nuts with thread sizes 0.7500 thru 1.5000 inches. The nuts are made of corrosion and heat resistant precipitation hardenable iron base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS S66286 and of 160,000 psi axial tensile strength at room temperature, with maximum conditioning temperature of parts at 800 °F
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
To determine the ability of a fuel/water separator to separate emulsified or finely dispersed water from fuels. This test method is applicable for biodiesel fuel
Filter Test Methods Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice describes a test method for determination of heavy truck (Class VI, VII, and VIII) tire force and moment properties under combined cornering and braking conditions. The properties are acquired as functions of slip angle, normal force, and slip ratio. Slip angle and normal force are changed incrementally using a sequence specified in this document. At each normal force and slip angle increment, the slip ratio is continually changed by application of a braking torque ramp. The data are suitable for use in vehicle dynamics modeling, comparative evaluations for research and development purposes, and manufacturing quality control. This document is intended to be a general guideline for testing on an ideal machine. Users of this recommended practice may modify the recommended protocols to satisfy the needs of specific use-cases, e.g., reducing the recommended number of test loads and/or pressures for benchmarking purposes. However, due care is necessary when
Truck and Bus Tire Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides guidelines for procedures and practices used to obtain and record measurements and to analyze the results of the critical speed method. It is for use at accident sites using manual or electronic measurements. The method allows for many unique factors and the recommended procedure will permit a consistent use of the method in order to reduce errors and uncertainty in the results. The results from the critical speed formula should always, when possible, be compared to other accident reconstruction methodologies. When different accident reconstruction methods are used, the uncertainty of each method should be analyzed and presented
Crash Data Collection and Analysis Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides general guidelines on the material selection, construction, and qualification of components and wiring systems used to construct nominal 12 VDC and/or 24 VDC electrical wiring systems for heavy-duty vehicles The guidelines are limited to nominal 12 VDC and/or 24 VDC primary wiring systems and includes cable sizes American Wire Gage 20 to AWG 4 on heavy-duty on-highway trucks. The document identifies appropriate operating performances requirements. This document excludes the male-to-female connection of the SAE J560 connectors
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The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the implementation of DVI for momentary intervention-type LKA systems, as defined by ISO 11270. LKA systems provide driver support for safe lane keeping operations via momentary interventions. LKA systems are SAE Level 0, according to SAE J3016. LKA systems do not automate any part of the dynamic driving task (DDT) on a sustained basis and are not classified as an integral component of a partial or conditional driving automation system per SAE J3016. The design intent (i.e., purpose) of an LKA system is to address crash scenarios resulting from inadvertent lane or road departures. Drivers can override an LKA system intervention at any time. LKA systems do not guarantee prevention of lane drifts or related crashes. Road and driving environment (e.g., lane line delineation, inclement weather, road curvature, road surface, etc.) as well as vehicle factors (e.g., speed, lateral acceleration, equipment condition, etc.) may affect the
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) Committee
This SAE Standard defines the limits for a classification of engine lubricating oils in rheological terms only. Other oil characteristics are not considered or included
Fuels and Lubricants TC 1 Engine Lubrication
This SAE Information Report describes the testing and reporting procedures that may be used to evaluate and document the excursion of a worker or civilian when transported in a seated and restrained position in the patient compartment of a ground ambulance when exposed to a front, side, or rear impact. Its purpose is to provide seating and occupant restraint manufacturers, ambulance builders, and end-users with testing procedures and documentation methods needed to identify head travel paths in crash loading events. This is a component level test. The seating system is tested in free space to measure maximum head travel paths. The purpose is not to identify stay out zones. Rather, the goal is to provide ambulance manufacturers with the data needed to design safer and functionally sound workstations for Emergency Medical Service workers so that workers are better able to safely perform patient care tasks in a moving ambulance. Descriptions of the test set-up, test instrumentation
Truck Crashworthiness Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes methods to determine grade parking performance with respect to: a Ability of the parking brake system to lock the braked wheels. b The trailer holding or sliding on the grade, fully loaded, or unloaded. c Applied manual effort. d Unburnished or burnished brake lining friction conditions. e Down and upgrade directions
Truck and Bus Brake Systems Committee
9100品質マネジメントシステムにおけるAQAP 2110の適用に関するガイダンスIA9137_JA (Current)02/16/2024
この文書は、供給者が9100の規定を遵守する場合の、AQAP-2110の適用に関する情報及びガイダンスを提供するために作成され、発行された。この文書は、AQAP-2110-SRD.2及びIA9137として発行されている。この文書は、NATO及び業界によるAQAP-2110及び9100の関係の理解及び利用を容易にするために、NATO及び業界の代表者が協同で策定した。AQAPは、調達国が対外有償軍事援助(FMS)を調達手段として利用する場合に、必要となる場合がある。 この文書の目的は、調達者及びその9100供給者によるAQAP-2110要求事項の解釈の共通化に寄与することである。 この文書の内容は法的位置づけも契約上の位置づけも有せず、AQAP-2110の要求事項又は9100の要求事項のいずれに対しても取って代わるものでも、追加するものでも、削除するものでもない。 様々な状況が、作業、工程の種類、又は使用される機器、及び関わる要員のスキルのような要因に左右されて存在し得るため、このガイダンスは網羅的なものと見なされることも、また、契約書の要求事項を満たすための特定の手段や方法を義務付けるものと見なされることも望ましくない。ステークホルダーは、これらの要求事項を満たすために、他の手段や方法が使用され得ることを認識すべきである。 このガイダンスの利用者は、AQAP 2110要求事項が、契約書に引用されているとおり、供給者や二次供給者に義務付けられていることに留意することが望ましい
IAQG-1 Standards Committee
This procurement specification covers aircraft quality self-locking nuts for wrenching (hex, spline) and anchor (plate, gang channel, shank) types of nuts made from a corrosion and heat-resistant nickel-base alloy of the type identified under the Unified Numbering System as UNS N07001. Tension height nuts having overall length of threaded portion not less than 1.2 times the nominal thread diameter have 1210 MPa minimum tensile strength at room temperature. Shear height nuts having shorter threaded portion have 1100 MPa minimum tensile strength at room temperature. Maximum test temperature of parts is 730 °C
E-25 General Standards for Aerospace and Propulsion Systems
This SAE Recommended Practice provides the methods of measurements for electrical and photometric characteristics of LED packages. It provides procedures, requirements, and guidelines for the methods of the measurement of luminous flux and color maintenance of LED devices (packages, arrays, and modules) for ground vehicle lighting applications
Lighting Standard Practices Committee
This recommended practice is derived from common test sequences used within the industry. This procedure applies to all on-road passenger cars and light trucks up to 4 540 kg of GVWR. This recommended practice does not address other aspects such as performance, NVH, and durability. Test results from this recommended practice should be combined with other measurements and dynamometer tests (or vehicle-level tests), and acceptance criteria to validate a given design or configuration
Brake Dynamometer Standards Committee
This document derives from the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) 105 and 135 vehicle test protocols as single-ended inertia-dynamometer test procedures. The test sequences enable brake output measurement, friction material effectiveness, and corner performance in a controlled and repeatable environment. This SAE Document also includes optional sections for parking brake output performance for rear brakes with hydraulic or Electric Park Brakes (EPB). It applies to brake corners from vehicles covered by the FMVSS 105 and 135 when using the appropriate brake hardware and test parameters. The FMVSS 135 applies to all passenger cars and light trucks up to 3500 kg of gross vehicle weight (GVWR). The FMVSS 105 applies to all passenger cars, multi-purpose vehicles, buses, and trucks above 3500 kg of GVWR. This document does not include testing for school bus applications or vehicles equipped with hydraulic brakes with a GVWR above 4540 kg. This document does not evaluate or
Brake Dynamometer Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice provides test methods and criteria for evaluating the internal cleanliness and air leakage for engine charge air coolers. This SAE Recommended Practice also provides nomenclature and terminology in common use for engine charge air coolers, related charge air cooling system components, and charge air cooling system operational performance parameters
Cooling Systems Standards Committee
9100 품질관리시스템 내 AQAP 2110 적용에 관한 지침IA9137_KOKR (Current)02/16/2024
이 문서는 공급자가 9100의 조항을 준수하고자 할 때 AQAP-2110을 적용하는 것에 관한 정보와 지침을 제공하기 위해 작성 및 발행된 것이다. 이 문서는 AQAP-2110-SRD.2 및 IA9137로 간행된다. 이는 NATO와 산업계에서 AQAP-2110과 9100 간의 관계에 대한 이해와 활용을 촉진하기 위해 NATO와 산업계 대표들이 공동으로 작성한 것이다. 획득 국가가 자국의 조달 방법으로 대외군사판매(FMS)를 이용할 때는 AQAP가 필요할 수 있다. 이 문서는 획득 국가와 9100을 준수하고자 하는 공급 국가의 AQAP-2110 요구사항 해석에 있어 공통성을 제공하는 데에 목적을 두고 있다. 이 문서의 내용은 법적 또는 계약상의 지위를 갖지 않으며, 일체의 AQAP-2110 또는 9100 요구사항을 대체하거나 그 요구사항에 추가되는 것도 아니다. 있을 수 있는 조건의 다양성(작업 또는 공정의 유형, 사용 기기 및 관련 인원의 역량에 따르는) 때문에, 이 지침이 모든 것에 적용되는 것으로 간주하거나, 계약 요구사항 충족에 필요한 특정 수단 또는 방법을 강요하는 것으로 간주해서는 안 된다. 이해당사자들은 이러한 요구사항을 충족하기 위해 다른 수단 또는 방법을 사용할 수도 있다는 점을 알고 있어야 한다. 이 지침 사용자는 계약서에 명시되는 바와 같이 AQAP 2110 요구사항이 공급자와 하청업체가 지켜야 하는 의무사항임을 명심해야 한다
IAQG-1 Standards Committee
This SAE Recommended Practice defines the minimum performance and dimensional requirements for quick connect couplings between flexible tubing or hose and rigid tubing or tubular fittings used in coolant systems. This document applies to automotive and light duty truck applications under the following conditions: a Gasoline, diesel, hybrid, and electrical propulsion cooling systems. b Operating pressure up to 206 kPa (30 psi). c Operating temperatures from -40 °C (-40 °F) to 125 °C (260 °F). Quick connect couplings function by joining the connector to a mating end form, typically without the use of tools. The requirements stated in this document apply to new connectors in assembly operations unless otherwise indicated. For modern powertrain applications, the interconnection of the following devices is typically the design responsibility of the cooling group: coolant control valve, water-to-air charge air cooler (CAC), radiator (high and low temperature variants), and remote
Cooling Systems Standards Committee
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